
15 December 2017
On December 5, 6 and 7, your RO/RCO negotiating team met with NRC management in Ottawa for the second round of contract negotiations. Each day, local RO/RCO members met the team for lunch at the cafeteria in building M55 to show their support.
15 December 2017
PIPSC NRC RO/RCO Bargaining Update, December 11, 2017 Dear RO/RCO colleagues,
15 November 2017
For more info on any of these items, contact the group executive:
9 November 2017
NRC RO/RCO Group: Nomination Call for Executive Committee Member Candidates 26 October 2017
9 November 2017
NRC RO/RCO Group AGM Dec. 8 - NSERC President The NRC RO/RCO Group Annual General Meeting will be held at noon Eastern time on Friday, December 8, 2017 in the auditorium of building M-50 at the NRC Montreal Road campus in Ottawa.
3 November 2017
PREAMBLE1 These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Sub-Group organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada or of the National Research Council Research Officers and Research Council Office
3 November 2017
Our RO/RCO bargaining team including our PIPSC negotiator met with NRC management on October 11 and 12. As we wrote in our last update, the bargaining meeting focused on the non-monetary items on our list of demands; pay negotiations will start at a later date.
3 October 2017
As we wrote last week, our RO/RCO bargaining team will be meeting to negotiate with NRC management for a new collective agreement on October 11 and 12. At this meeting we will be negotiating the non-financial items on our list of demands (such as conference attendence and a number of other items our members asked us to include in the new collective agreement).
21 September 2017
Dear colleagues, We are ready to bargain. NRC management said they will send their bargaining position to us this week. As you know from our last updates, we have our demands ready and are keen to get started.
15 August 2017
Currently more than 1,500 RO/RCO staff work at the National Research Council -- in the Research Divisions, IRAP, Business Management Services, and Corporate services. Everyone in the NRC RO/RCO group is represented by the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC).
4 August 2017
PIPSC NRC Newsletter July 2017 RO/RCO Group  Research Officers and Research Council Officers Group Executive Members (2017)      President - Susan O’Donnell    - Fredericton
6 April 2017
Dear colleagues, Our February RO/RCO newsletter included a bargaining update with the results of negotiations with other PIPSC science and research groups in the federal government. You can access the newsletter from our RO/RCO web page:
20 March 2017
PREAMBLE These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Group organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations.
26 January 2017
The news this week that the Trump administration has imposed communications restrictions on officials working for the U.S.