CS Group Executive Meeting – April 2017
Min of meeting
Attendance (*regrets)
Stan Buday
Pierre A. Touchette J. Gordon Bulmer Deborah Butler Lucille Shears Robert Tellier
Karim Chaggani Robert B. Scott Stacy L. McLaren Eva V. Henshaw Dean Corda
Guy Abel
Denis Caissy
Guest - Kieth Lang
1. Welcome
- Stan called the meeting to order at 9:10 - welcomed everyone.
2. Adoption of Agenda
- Stacy seconded by Denis discussed carried
3. Approval of previous minutes
- Guy seconded by Karim discussed amended carried
4. Business Arising/Action Items
- reviewed
5. New business
- Bargaining update - details of the bargaining update and the exact changes in the tentative agreement done and sent to translation. Bargaining team to review and comment on update and include a tentative timeline.
- Moved to close session
- Ratification Timeline - still an ongoing process we will need to set time for info sessions and a time for voting etc. These dates will need to be deter- mined soon.
- Ratification package by march 29th
- 4 weeks April 26 voting open for two weeks
- May 10th voting closes
- Signing June 8th
- Backpay end of September
- Steward resignations - LS (closed Session)
- Steward renewal process - Denis - maybe the group should encourage the stewards to renew each year. Steward officer should look at this as a way to encourage recognition and participation.
- New Group Logo - Denis has a number of ideas for a new IT logo and would like some clarity around a potential processes to select an IT logo. Some details
- with regard to are we changing still need to be worked out.
- Titles and Duties - Deb - Pierre will clarify titles and duties beside our names in PIMS.
- Group Mission - DDD - A draft Mission statement and graphic in english and french various comments.
- AAFC CS vs Contractors - Dean - will be in forwarded to the president of consul- tation
- Training - Stan - the national training committee is looking at revising the training processes within PIPSC. The other stakeholders in training such as the groups and the separate employers need to be included in the conversation around changes in the training structures.
- Consultation - WGC policy Review - Dean will do a short report and have every- one review the current policy and to get the groups input on potential changes. This will be done via mail. Also we need the group to develop a table drop on career development for consultation presidents
- Portfolios - Eva moved seconded by Gordon to create a new Officer portfolio to deal with the collective agreement. To follow up on the various MOU’s the con- tracting out and the tech change clauses with the WGC and the bargaining team and the group executive. Full details of the roles and responsibilities to be part of the planning meeting - discussed carried
6. Exec reports/Activities -
a. President (S. Buday) on the Google drive
b. VicePresident (P.Touchette) on the google drive
c. Treasurer / Trésorière (D. Butler) Deb we are currently over on three lines items are we need to be aware of and we are still under budget overall. Moved by Deb seconded by Eva to accept the final financial statement discussed - car- ried.
Anyone with a portfolio is requested to submit their budgets asap.
d. Bargaining / Negotiations (R.Tellier/D.Doherty Delorme) covered under new business
e. NOC/ROC & Mobilization (Stacy) verbal report, Everyone to send Stacy bar- gaining info session dates to track.
f. Communications (Karim) report on the google -
g. SubGroup officer (R.Scott) report on the google - new Calgary sub-group just waiting for EC approval
h. Steward officer (L.Shears) verbal report under new business
i. Membership Officer (S.McLaren) call for delegates is coming out soon for CS AGM, bylaws and regulations changes need to happen now. Stacy to work on agenda. Request for Sean to chair again. Potential guest speakers
j. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Dean) - report on the google k. Classification (Eva) - no changes since our last meeting -
l. Strike Officer (Deb Butler) -
7. Standing Items
a. Sub Group Communications Reviewed questions from the Subgroups an- swers from the exec will be sent by Rob.
8. Roundtable
Rob - reviewed SGP meeting agenda for tomorrow
Deb - Budget meeting at 11 Sunday room 2503
Stan - review of proposed wording for bargaining update.
Guy - CLC National Convention
9. Forward Meetings a. TBD
b. Forward meeting and Teleconference dates
Stan called for a motion to adjourn at 5:15 carried