CS Group

Exec meeting

horizontal line

June 16 2020 / 6:30 pm / by phone and zoom


Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Robert Tellier, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon

Staff:  Denise Doherty Delorme


1. Welcome

Stan called the meeting to order at 6:40 and welcomed the Executive to the meeting. 

2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved by Pierre, seconded by Patricia, carried

3. Approval of Minutes of June 2, 2020 meeting

Moved by Tony, seconded Karim, by carried


Stacy provided the call out for delegates to Linda Rochefort, it is currently on hold until it has been approved by Communications and translated.

Tentative date is Saturday December 5, 2020.

A vendor solution is being sourced due to translation issues with Zoom.  The virtual AGM will be hosted at 250 Tremblay.

ACTION: Stacy will put together a communication for members to advise them of the restrictions and process around the handling of resolutions.

ACTION:  Executive members to provide concerns around the virtual AGM to Stacy.  Stan to share our concerns with the other Group Presidents.


A discussion was held regarding a virtual AGM including pros and cons.  There have been questions from Sub Group Presidents on holding their own AGMs.

Due to the uncertainty at this time on openings of meetings etc. to larger numbers, it was agreed to defer the decision to a future meeting.

6. PIPSC Bargaining Survey

Concerns were raised regarding the validity of the results based on the ability for individuals to complete the survey multiple times.  Concerns raised to Abacus were not responded to. 

Survey closes June 16th. At noon followed by a zoom meeting with the Institute strike committee and Abacus representative.

7.  PIC

It was agreed that the Executive members not on the bargaining team may attend the PIC and the group will cover any costs if required.

Robert confirmed should a caucus be required the members of the bargaining team will do so separately.

Denise confirmed that the Executive will receive the invite.

President Daviau approved the President and Bargaining Officer to attend in person at the PIPSC office while ensuring social distancing protocols are followed.

8. Info Sessions

Several info sessions were held across the country for members including sessions specifically for the 80 ROC liaisons.

Stacy provided a communication and meeting invite for the virtual rallies to be held across the country.  Sub Group Presidents were asked to ensure their members received the invites and encouraged them to attend the rally held in their region as well as the National rally being held during the PIC.

9.  Classification

Karim and Lucille attended  a meeting with Catherine Wright.  TBS advised PIPSC there will be an implementation delay of approximately 3 months.

TBS continues to update the CIO Suite.  It was highly recommended by Karim and Lucille that the CS Group have a representative participate in this update.

FAQs should be posted by TBS in August.

Eric Tran has now taken over responsibility as Catherine Wright has now changed jobs. 

There was a discussion on the signature block for members receiving a new job description.  Further information will be required.

10.  Essential Services

Pierre has moved all essential services documentation from 2018 to 2020 to the google drive.  All updates have been sent to Richard Beaule and PIPSC legal for review.

ESDC and SSC are only outstanding departments.

Next meeting:  In 3 weeks time