17 October 2017
Canada 150 Summer Contest
We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our contest and helped make it a success.
6 October 2017
4 October 2017
Dear Members:
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) is the federal bargaining agent representing all CO employees in different federal departments and agencies.
25 September 2017
Audit, Commerce and Purchasing Group (AV), representing AU-CO-PG members is seeking an Executive Appointment for:
Ontario Regional Representative - Interim Term starts November 1, 2017 and ends May 31, 2018
As per AV Group By-Laws 6.2.2 Regiona
29 August 2017
The AV group President and the AV BC/Yukon regional representative will be in town on October 18 and will be conducting an information session on important issues affecting the Public Service, particularly as they relate to the AV Group New collective agreement and to discuss the possibility of f
30 June 2017
During this round of bargaining, the AV Group took the leadership on an insidious issue, Domestic Violence. While a broader national issue, Domestic Violence carries impacts, or the potential to impact PIPSC members.
26 June 2017
Canada 150 Summer Contest
We are celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday by asking AV Members (AU-CO-PG) to share a story about their summer vacation in Canada with PIPSC.
30 May 2017
On April 28, the 2014–2018 AV collective agreement was signed and is therefore in force. You can find your collective agreement here.
2 May 2017
The 98th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada will take place on November 17th and 18th 2017. The AGM will be held at the Hilton Lac Leamy in Gatineau Quebec, starting at 8:30 a.m. on November 17th.