June 6, 2018 AFS Executive Meeting

Present: Doug Mason (President). Regional Representatives: Chris Roach (Vice-President and Atlantic Regional Representative), Steve Parent (Quebec), Mark Muench (CS National Consultation Representative), Phil Choo (BC / Yukon and Recording Secretary), Robert Trudeau (Prairies/NWT), Brian Hassall (HQ), Allaudin Alibhai (NCR IT), and Al Ravjiani (Toronto).

Absent: Shawn Gillis (Ontario), Manny Costain (CS Regional Representative)

Executive Meeting Précis – May 2 & 3, 2018

The précis for the May 2 & 3 executive meeting was approved as presented and will be sent for translation and posting.

Financial Update

The AFS Group finances were reviewed by the Executive.


The Executive finalized the logistics including agendas and reviewed the resolutions submitted and determined a position for each.

AU Education Standard

The Executive discussed changes to education standard for specified positions in HQ and CRA proposed changes to other courses and to acquired rights. 


The Executive discussed concerns in regards to staffing. Recent concerns are: asking for experience in the position employee is applying for, the lateral transfer tool, external staffing especially at higher levels, lateral moves at a different level and staffing without solicitation.

Pre-Retirement Leave

The Executive discussed the change in practice in regards to taking pre-retirement leave. The onus is now on the member to provide the Employer the necessary information to show they are eligible for retirement. As there is a change in practice it should be brought as an agenda item at the NUMCC. 

Extended Parental Leave

The Executive discussed the extended parental leave changes from budget 2018. Our current collective agreement does not provide for maternity/parental leave to 18 months.

LIA Grievances

The Executive has provided basic grievance wording. So far two cases have gone to adjudication from another bargaining agent.

Positive Space

The Executive had a discussion about new ambassadors for the positive space initiative. The Union will request positive space training for all of its AFS National executive members.

NITSD Presentation in Western Division

The Executive discussed a recent presentation provided to them in regards to after hours shifts at the Surrey site. The Executive voiced its concerns and noted the lack of consultation at the national level. A meeting will be held with the AC of ITB to discuss the matter next week.

PIPSC Emails

The Executive discussed issues raised by the PIPSC migration to Gmail. With the migration members can no longer access the email from the Employer’s computers. The AFS Group will request access to the PIPSC email from the Employer.

Next Executive Meeting

The next AFS Executive meeting will be July 7th in conjunction with the AFS Bargaining Prep and the AFS Planning Meetings.