President’s 2022 New Year’s Message

I want to thank you for entrusting me with the great honour and responsibility of being president of our union.

For those of you who don’t know me, I have worked for over two decades in the federal public services as an environmental engineer, and have been active at PIPSC for almost as long. 

Most recently I served on the PIPSC Board of Directors, where I focused my efforts on member engagement, open communication, and representational services. 

As your new president, my priorities include:

  • Safe workplaces, both physical and psychological
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Work-life balance
  • Collaborative but firm approach to bargaining
  • Open communication and engagement with our members

I will base my approach on an overarching principle: that an informed member is an engaged member. 

With this in mind, I want to begin my mandate by:

Listening to and addressing all members’ needs

No matter what job you do or where you do it, you deserve good service. We need to provide high-quality support to every member – whether you work for a big employer or a small one, whether you work remotely, on-site or both.

Giving special attention to the “member experience”

When you contact your union, you should feel heard, empowered, and secure in your knowledge that PIPSC has your back. I will look at how to improve member contact with our union, and how to best address issues to make sure you get the services you need.

Reviewing how we can better support our consultation teams

I will equip our consultation teams to tackle health and safety, discrimination, and harassment issues.

Improving the timely and transparent flow of information

I will make sure you can access all the information you need, when and how you need it.

Please contact me at any time at if I can be of service.

I wish you and your families all the best for 2022.

30 August 2024
Every victory in labour rights, from the weekend to workplace safety standards, came from workers standing together. Today, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and we're fighting for the future of work.

21 August 2024
The past has shown us the cost of silence and complicity. Let us ensure that our actions today reflect our commitment to justice and equity for all.

7 February 2023
On January 30, 2023 PIPSC President Jennifer Carr, accompanied by Jordan McAuley, our specialist on outsourcing, testified before the House of Common Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) about the now-infamous McKinsey contracts awarded by the federal government.

16 January 2023
Any return to office policy must “consider the nature of each department’s work and the services they provide to Canadians.” Those are Treasury Board President Mona Fortier’s own words, and we urge her to heed them, said presidents of PIPSC and CAPE in an opinion letter published in The Ottawa Citizen.

4 January 2023
The New Year is here and I want to take this opportunity to sincerely wish you all the very best in 2023. Our challenges can definitely lead to positive outcomes for our members.

3 November 2022
On October 28, 2022 President Carr met for the first time with Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier to discuss a number of important issues that affect our members, public services and Canadian taxpayers.