Candidate for President – Frank Wong

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Frank Wong

Candidate for President

Frank Wong

(Regular member)


 (regular member)



At the 2023 PIPSC Annual General Meeting (AGM), I, along with other fiscally minded delegates persuaded our assembly to vote against a union dues increase proposed by the current Board of Directors.  At this year’s AGM, this Board will be asking our assembly again for a dues increase.  How can the Board account for the increase in revenues from $50 million in 2018, to $67M in 2023, and to $69M (budgeted) in 2024 AND spend $44 million, $69M and $82M (budgeted), respectively?  Inflation over this period did not increase 64%!   

Are you satisfied with what our Board has done to address 3 days per week return to the office (3RTO) mandate, high cost of living in major urban areas, and job security?  If not, I urge you to vote for candidates like me who understand the needs of the majority of our members who cannot afford to have more money deducted from our pay from an organization which cannot balance its books and cannot advocate for these issues effectively. 

Why should you vote for me?  I am and have been, since June 2015, President of the AFS Toronto West(TW) Subgroup with over 1,000 members, representing them at grievance, disciplinary, staffing recourse, and harassment hearings, and assisting with accommodation requests.  I’ve been able to mobilize my members to file over 500 grievances, prepared presentations, and co-ordinated with 3 other Toronto offices to successfully stop Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA’s) 2017 plan to restructure the four Toronto area offices and relocate over 2,000 staff.  As of August 2, 2024, to show CRA our members’ concerns over the 3RTO, I have received and filed most of the over 130 individual grievances. As well, I have organized and executed PIPSC’s first and subsequent participation in the Toronto Labour Day parades and started TW’s first Labour Day Walk last year.  More recently, I have created Google Drive repositories for my members on 3RTO, general information, and archived pictures of TW events.

As President, I will end irresponsible practices of not operating with fiscal prudence, accountability, transparency, professionalism, and respect within our organization. I will encourage every member to actively participate in voicing our concerns over 3RTO. I will start the discussion to assist members struggling to live in high cost urban areas.   

If you have any questions, please contact me at for more information and/or access to the repositories.  Thank you.

Original provided by the candidate