Candidate for NCR Regional Director – Greg Scriver

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Greg Scriver

Candidate for NCR Regional Director

Greg Scriver

(Regular member)





I am honored to be asking for your support in my bid to become NCR Regional Director. I have been a proud member of PIPSC since 2012, an IT specialist with Shared Services Canada, supporting National Research Council Canada.

The NCR needs dynamic leadership, someone who will stand up and react in a timely manner, someone who really cares and wants to improve our Region. While I have been in the position previously, I understand the need for change and would like to be part of making that change happen.  Member engagement and governance are two important issues I see facing the union currently. We need to be strong together, working together to accomplish the important issues facing our union. With my union knowledge and experience, I will be an asset to the NCR executive team.

I continue to work hard as the PIPSC-CLC Indigenous Representative and was the co-lead for the 1st & 2nd CLC Indigenous Lobby days. Indigenous and human rights issues are very important to me. I would like to continue on the path of Truth and Reconciliation with you, our members, in conjunction with our Indigenous members. Truth and Reconciliation is for everyone.

As a steward I’ve been representing members for many years, listening to your concerns and bringing them forward to the appropriate people. I will continue to work hard by ensuring we have a strong voice, presence and visibility in our Region, we can work together to make our Region even better. I will represent YOU. I believe everyone has a voice and a place in OUR Union.

I offer you a proven track record with over 24 years of experience as a union representative. I have an open mind and a strong desire to advance your issues and concerns. I always try to lead by example by participating in many different PIPSC events. Presence, education and knowledge are important in being an active member.


  • CLC-NCR Indigenous Representative (2017-Present)
  • President, Ottawa East Branch (2019-Present)
  • President, Ottawa East IT Subgroup (2019-Present)
  • Board of Directors - NCR Regional Director (2014-2018)
  • Chair, NCR Regional Executive (2015–2018)
  • Vice Chair, NCR Regional Executive (2014-2015)
  • Member-at-Large, NCR Regional Executive (2012-2014)
  • Vice President, SSC National Consultation Team (2013-2015)
  • NCR Member, SSC National Consultation Team (2012-2013)

Please consider supporting me for NCR Director.

One Person Can Make A Difference and Everyone Should Try – by John F Kennedy

Original provided by the candidate