Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time) – Stacy McLaren

​The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Stacy McLaren

Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time)

Stacy McLaren

(Regular member)


“Don’t tell people your dreams. Show them.”  Unknown

My name is Stacy McLaren and I respectfully seek your support to elect me as part-time vice president for the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.  I have been an employee in the federal public service for the last 25 years and a regular member of PIPSC as part of the IT group.  

As a current board member, I have witnessed our members' dissatisfaction with the lack of transparency and accountability and realized that real change needs to happen.  I want to be part of the leadership that is facilitating that change.

If you give your support to elect me as part-time vice president, I will focus on the following objectives:

  • Ensuring all members' interests and concerns are brought to the Board of Directors.
  • Advocating for a board of directors that is accountable, transparent, authentic, and leads with integrity.
  • Focusing on being fiscally responsible and making the hard decisions needed to get our union back in good financial shape.
  • Utilizing all my skills and knowledge to advocate for our members.  This means being available to all my constituents, being accountable for my actions and decisions, and working for the membership with transparency and integrity. 
  • Promoting our union and union professionals within the federal public service.

I am not afraid of working hard for our membership.  I have actively participated as an elected member of the following executives:

  • DFAIT CS Subgroup (2009 – 2012) 
  • Ottawa Centreville Branch (2009 - 2011)
  • National Capital Region  (2011 – present)
  • CS Group National Executive (2013 - 2021) 
  • PIPSC Board of Directors (2022 – present)

I have and continue to develop my advocacy, leadership, and organizational skills by:

  • Being a Steward since 2006 
  • Being the NCR Chief Steward 
  • Being a two-time Chair of the NCR
  • Participating as a member on committees of the NCR Executive and Board of Directors
  • Chairing the NCR Branch Coordination and Planning committees. 
  • Chairing the PRQC and HRDC committees of the Board.  
  • Organizing successful regional and steward councils, branch presidents’ meetings, and coordinating the NCR delegation to the national Annual General Meeting.
  • Organizing the CS group Annual General Meeting, coordinating the group’s delegation to the national annual general meeting, and hosting the CS Delegates caucus.

I have and will always have an open-door communication policy.  I can be reached at the  following:


Cell phone:  613-799-3069

Original provided by the candidate