Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time) – Dmitry Gorodnichy

​The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Dmitry Gorodnichy

Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time)

Dmitry Gorodnichy

(Regular member)


Dmitry Gorodnichy, Ph.D., Ph.D.

Protect professionals and strive for value-added return on our union dues, through engagement and transparency!

I have the courage to stand up for you without discrimination, and have the initiative to suggest improvements with you that support all members.

From years before I was directly active with our Union, I supported fellow colleagues at the workplace. I was a key contributor to recommendations for improving the culture at CBSA, and supported the development of the CBSA Scientific Integrity Policy, creating a more open and safe environment there.

In more recent times, I started a data science community on GC-Collab aimed at assisting colleagues to learn new data visualization tools while leveraging data to improve the public service. I helped develop the PSES results and Canadian Vital Statistics tracking Web Apps, which provide insights into the challenges faced by PIPSC members. Fear of speaking up was one of the major concerns present among colleagues, especially in areas responsible for regulating products and developing policies.

Seeing firsthand “fitting evidence to desired political narratives” and working closely with colleagues from other departments seeking further support from our union has strengthened my resolve to support all members.

I am not here seeking the luxuries of office. In fact, when I expressed interest in attending my first NCR Council in spring 2024, I proposed to decline the hotel room that is provided to a delegate, as I live within a reasonable commute of that meeting venue.

Coming from a very different background (former Soviet Union), I would ensure that no minority community, whether visible or non-visible, will feel excluded from the discussion.

I understand you, I hear you, and I will be honoured to represent you.

Here I stand with you in seeking a part time role at our union’s BoD, while continuing to work among you at the workplace. I will strive to collaborate with the new BoD, and stand up for the following priorities:

1) Improve openness, transparency, and fiscal responsibility of the Union's operations,

2) Protect the work of our professionals from political and industrial interference, and

3) Support the most vulnerable union members, including those who are being discriminated against, and those who are experiencing fear of reprisal while upholding values and ethics.

For details on how to connect with me, and for me to better support you at the workplace, please see:

Original provided by the candidate