Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Stéphanie Fréchette

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Stephanie Frechette

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Stéphanie Fréchette

(Regular member)

Dear members,

I am writing to you to express my desire to continue my years of involvement and dedication to the Institute. I am asking for your support for a second term, to continue to serve and represent you.

Our union needs Board members to stand shoulder to shoulder and work together to achieve its main objective: effective member representation. We must continue to protect the rights of our members and stand united to face the challenges that the future holds, in this period of profound transformation, in all industries, nationally and internationally.

With my skills, experience and forward-looking attitude, I’ll continue to be an asset to the Institute and a positive influence. I ask for your support in continuing to work with all of you, to make our organization stronger, more united and a source of pride for all of us.

I’ve been a federal public service employee for 28 years, I’m French-speaking, bilingual, and I’ve been a PIPSC steward since 2013. I’ve had the opportunity to get involved at various levels, for example, as Group President (2018-2021), where among other things I was involved in consultation, negotiations and classification, or as a member of a Regional, Sub-Group or Branch Executive Committee. More specifically:

  • Vice-President (Part-Time) of the Institute (2022-2024)
  • Member of the Institute’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors (2022-2024)
  • Liaison Officer and Member of the Annual General Meeting Planning Committee (2022-2024)
  • Chair and Member of a Board committee, the National By-Laws and Policy Committee (2018-2023)
  • Annual General Meeting Advisor (2019-2021)
  • Member of the Advisory Council Executive and Steering Committee (2018-2021)
  • Member of the Strategic Bargaining Committee and Steering Committee (2018-2021)
  • Member of the Institute’s Central Bargaining Team (2018-2019)

Moreover, I received an Institute Service Award and a citation certificate in 2021 for my work with the Central Bargaining Team.

I have a broad understanding of our organization, which exists thanks to its members. I’m motivated, committed and someone you can count on. I have your best interests at heart and am recognized as someone who looks at the organization as a whole, for everyone’s sake. When a decision has to be made, I ask myself what the benefit will be for our members and our organization.

For all these reasons, and with the deep desire to work very hard for each and every one of you, I’m asking for your support and your vote to have the opportunity to continue representing you and defending your interests, as Full-Time Vice-President.

Thank you,


(Translated from French)