Candidate for Atlantic Regional Director – Mark Bellefleur

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Mark Bellefleur

Candidate for Atlantic Regional Director

Mark Bellefleur

(Regular member)


Mark Bellefleur, P.Eng, PMP, FEC

I respectfully ask for your support in the upcoming election for the Atlantic Regional Director position so that we can continue to advance the interests of all PIPSC members. I am eager for the opportunity to lay a new foundation and further serve our members in the Region.

I, Mark Bellefleur, a dedicated Professional Engineer, am currently running for Atlantic Regional Director. Raised in St-Leonard, New Brunswick, I pursued my education in engineering, graduating from the Université de Moncton in 2002 and earning a degree in Civil Engineering Technology from NBCC Edmundston in 1999.

Throughout my career at Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), I have built a distinguished path as a Senior Engineer in the NR Group within PIPSC. My leadership roles within PIPSC include currently serving as Consultation Co-President for ISC, Director on the Atlantic Regional Council, and President of the Moncton Branch. These roles reflect my commitment to advancing our profession and advocating tirelessly for my colleagues.

Previously, I had the honor of serving as president of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists in 2013, representing over 5500 members. During my tenure, I focused on proactive initiatives and strategic advocacy, significantly enhancing the recognition and influence of the engineering community across our region.

Beyond my professional achievements, I am passionate about promoting fitness and community engagement. I organize biannual CrossFit Competitions that attract 200-300 competitors from across the Maritimes, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition. When I'm not organizing events, you can find me enjoying regular gym sessions to maintain my own fitness levels.

In my personal life, I find joy and balance through travel, exploring new destinations whenever possible. I am happily married to Melanie, a Public Health Nurse, and we are celebrating 25 years of marriage together. Our pride extends to our children: Mary, currently completing her articling at the Crown Prosecution offices in Newfoundland and Labrador on her path to becoming a lawyer, and our son, who is immersed in his final year of studies in Film and Television Production.

I have the skills, commitment, and vision necessary to take on this leadership role. Thank you for considering me for this position.

Do not hesitate to contact me or text/WhatsApp me to setup a call at 506-850-9314.

Original provided by the candidate