President’s Opening Address

President’s Opening Address 




President Debi Daviau gave a vibrant bilingual address. 


This 100th AGM is an amazing milestone to celebrate.  


In the past year, PIPSC members have many achievements to celebrate including:

  • new collective agreements for most members, 
  • historic paid leave for survivors and victims of domestic violence, 
  • increases in parental leave, 
  • new language in our contracts, recognizing the right to work in a place free from harassment, 
  • pay increases
  • $400 compensation for late implementation of these agreements
  • creation of the Nursing Service Response Centre for nursing professionals working in remote regions
  • a settlement on Phoenix, giving every member paid by that broken system an extra week of paid vacation
  • a commitment to a new claims process that will repay our members for every cent of financial impact from Phoenix
  • $117 million towards a new pay system that works
  • PIPSC co-chairs the steering committee overseeing the building of a new pay system
  • Increased approval from members in recent member survey


President Daviau outlined some priorities for the coming year:

  • supporting bargaining groups still at the bargaining table
  • tackling outsourcing by targeting a root cause that is staffing in the public service
  • continued work on pay equity 
  • fighting hard to protect pensions with the launch of a new campaign 
  • securing a good plan for sick leave in the new Employee Wellness Support Program
  • working hard to get back every cent owed from Phoenix
  • analyzing how Artificial Intelligence will impact jobs 


PIPSC members have 100 years of progress to stand on, and we’re going into the next century stronger than ever. 


Let’s get to work!