The ECC is proud to report the initiation of its next three-year work plan (2019-2021) as approved by the Board earlier this year. 

During 2019, the ECC began work on the next Triennial Review process for all positions of the Executive Committee, the Chief Operating Officer & Executive Secretary (COO&ES), Chiefs and Excluded Staff at the Institute.  Any approved changes will be included in the call for nominations during the next election cycle.  

Over the past year, activities undertaken by the ECC have included:  compensation training for ECC members; governance training for members of the Board of Directors; the initiation of performance management processes for all executive positions; and the development of a comprehensive compensation philosophy for all executive positions and other segments of at the Institute. 

The committee would like to thank the work of: Marilyn Sykes of Sykes and Associates and Laura Edgar and Michael O’Neill at the Institute of Governance for their assistance over the past year.  The ECC’s evidence based approach, applying sound and progressive compensation and governance principles and philosophies, will continue to ensure clear and transparent executive compensation.  These efforts will hopefully appropriately value these important roles at the Institute and the people who performing them. 

All work conducted by the Committee was performed according to its approved Terms of Reference, mandate and three-year work plan.  All information produced by the Committee was provided to the Board of Directors for their approval.  As always, the ECC welcomes suggestions and comments from the membership.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the incredible dedication of our ECC members Nancy McCune, Yvon Brodeur, Kimberly Skanes, Dave Sutherland and our outstanding staff resources, Patrizia Campanella, Peter Nunan, Joanne Trépanier and Eddie Gillis, for their exceptional assistance to the Committee and its work. 

In Solidarity 

Robert K. MacDonald, B.A., MRM

Chair, Executive Compensation Committee