Presented to the 99th Annual General Meeting


The By-Laws and Policies Committee (BLPC) shall be responsible for:

a)  providing advice on the interpretation of the Institute By-Laws and Regulations and the Constitutions of constituent bodies;

b)  scrutinizing proposed amendments to the Institute By-Laws and Regulations to ensure consistency with current By-Laws and Regulations, and

c) scrutinizing Constitutions of constituent bodies and proposed amendments thereto to ensure consistency with the Institute By-Laws and Regulations.  Such Constitutions and any amendments thereto shall take effect upon approval by the Board and ratification by the constituent body concerned, and

d)  drafting new policies and amendments to existing policies as required and submitting them to the Board for approval and reviewing all policies, from time to time, to ensure their relevance, clarity and application.

Model Constitutions

The approved model constitutions are provided as template documents to assist constituent bodies in preparing their constitutions, facilitating the overall process. The model constitutions can be found at the following link:

The BLPC continues to work with constituent bodies that are currently without constitutions or that are working under outdated ones. This work is being done in collaboration with constituent body executives.

I would like to thank the 2018 Committee members for their hard work and dedication: Dan Jones (BC/Yukon), Christine Freeman (Prairie/NWT), John Purdie (Ontario), Anthony Goddard (NCR), Stephanie Frechette (Quebec), Barry Gerus (Atlantic). The committee would not be able to accomplish what it does without the guidance and organizational skills of our staff resource, Julie Gagnon.    

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy McCune
BLPC Chair