Executive meeting on May 26, 2022 (3rd of the year)

Face to face meeting - Merry Room - Estrimont Inn, Orford

Start of the meeting: 9:00 am



In Attendance: Yvon Brodeur, Denis Caissy, Jean Couillard, Steve Malenfant, Réjean Michaud, Pierre Potvin, Antoine Racine, Gerlando Renna and Robert Tellier.


Absent: Nancy Lavoie and Karine Régimbald.



  1. Welcoming Remarks:

Pierre welcomed everyone and chaired the meeting.      


  1. Reading and approval of the agenda:

An item was added to the agenda.

Denis moved to approve, and Antoine seconded.

The agenda was adopted unanimously; the varia remained open.


  1. Approval of Minutes of March 8, 2022:

Antoine moved to approve, and Denis seconded.

The minutes of March 8, 2022 were approved unanimously.


  1. Follow-up to the March 8, 2022, minutes:

Bonvoy points for the organization of the training school (Nancy and Karine): at the last meeting, we had concluded that Nancy and Karine will benefit from the points for this event and following a report from them, we will see if we have to change our way of doing things.

In the absence of Nancy and Karine, Pierre informed us that they have not yet received the points for the event. Given the relatively large number of points involved, a lively discussion ensued. Should we, in the case of major events, leave the points to the organizers for their work or give them to the group for needs not covered by PIPSC (observers, gift cards, etc.)?

We conclude that for major events, corporate points will be directed to a separate “pool” in the name of the director, as it is not possible to assign these points to a corporate account. He will use them for the benefit of the members as needed.

It should be noted that each member can benefit from the awarding of points in his or her own name when renting a room for himself or herself.


  1. Director’s Update:

a) Upcoming agenda:

i) Basic Steward Training: From 9 to June 11 at the Delta-Sherbrooke; the training is full (20 people). We will not be able to accommodate francophones from outside of Quebec, as requested by the National Office. We will welcome them at an upcoming training in the fall.

ii) Winnipeg: Pierre will be there from June 14 to 19, for a meeting of regional directors, board of directors and other business.

iii) Montreal: Pierre will be there on June 21–22 for a board meeting to develop the strategic plan for the year.

iv) Official Languages Committee: with Yvon and the committee members, Pierre will establish the upcoming game plan.

v) National AGM at the Sheraton-Montreal (November 17–19): 35 seats are allocated to the Region this year. Priority will be given to members of the regional executive and chapter presidents. Vacancies will be filled by notice of interest. Pierre, with the help of Gerry, will make the selection.

vi) FTQ Convention at the Sheraton-Montreal (November 28 to December 1st): the 11 seats reserved for us will be offered to members of the regional executive and if any seats become available, they will be filled by Branch presidents from the greater Montreal area.

Steve asked Pierre what is happening with the HWP (Health and Wellness Program): Treasury Board has lost interest in the project; now each of the collective bargaining groups is asking for elements of the HWP at the bargaining tables.


  1. Finance:

Gerry presented the financial report for calendar year 2021, the budget for 2022 and the related schedules. These reports will be presented at the QRC on Saturday morning.

We have received our annual 2022 allocation from the Institute and the Region’s finances are in good shape.



  1.  Quebec Regional Council:

a) We reviewed the agenda and made some minor corrections.

b) With Robert’s help, we reviewed the policy statement on training (which includes the principle of experiential approach): he informed us that the statement will be presented to the Board and should be endorsed by the Board members. We will present it to the QRC tomorrow and ask the members of the QRC to accept it in order to have a motion that would be presented at the AGM, if the statement is not accepted by the Board.

c) Gerry suggested purchasing chocolates to give as gifts to members at the RC. Unanimously accepted.



  1. Varia:

a) FTQ Regional Council: Denis will officially replace Robert as a sworn member of the FTQ Regional Council.

b) Expense account (Jean):

Since Didier Paultre (Chief Financial Officer) will be at our RC tomorrow, Jean will ask him directly why there are so many delays in the processing of expense accounts by the Institute.


  9. Roundtable:

a) Réjean: he informed us that he gave a presentation on our pension plan on March 17th and that everything went well. Nearly sixty members (some accompanied by their spouses) attended the presentation.

b) Steve: he has called a meeting with the Branch Presidents tomorrow morning and will inform them, among other things, to prepare a report to present to the RC.

c) Antoine: a meeting of the Youth Committee will be held tomorrow morning.

d) Denis reports that it is very difficult to get permission to communicate with our local media due to the reluctance of the Institute’s communications staff. He also informed us of a political mobilization action that could take place at the Quebec Parliament in the coming year.

e) Jean: he took part as a participant in the “Advanced Grievance” component at the training school in Quebec City last April, and said he really appreciated the training.


 10. Date of next meeting:

 The next executive meeting will be held on September 22, 2022, prior to the Stewards’ Council in Sherbrooke. In the meantime, it may be necessary to meet (in a Zoom meeting or in person) to discuss the preparation of the SC.


 11. Closing remarks and adjournment of the meeting:

Pierre thanked everyone for their participation and the meeting was adjourned.