PIPSC Joint Executive NCVI Branch & Nanaimo SP Subgroup -  Nov 27 2018

ABC Restaurant, Harvest Room, 6671 Mary Ellen Drive, Nanaimo (250) 390-4064


Arrive at 5pm, meeting starts at 5:30pm until 9pm, Nanaimo


Nick Leone (Spring 2020) branchVP/SP MAL

Tamas Lipcsey (Spring 2019) Branch Treasurer

Jennifer Mollins (Spring 2020) Br Secretary

Kalie Gossen (Spring 2019) Branch MAL

Diana McHugh (Spring 2019) Branch MAL

Alan Messner (Spring 2019) Branch MAL

Bill Woolverton (Spring 2019) Branch R-MAL

Jean Van Der Mark (Spring 2019) Br R-MAL

Dan Leus, SP subgroup President

Sean MacConnachie SP subgroup VP

Linnea Flostrand SP subgroup exec MAL

Lyse Godbout SP subgroup exec MAL

Linda Nichol, SP subgroup secretary

Charles Fort (Spring 2019) Branch R-MAL

John Candy,  SP subgroup MAL


Carl Cahoon (Spring 2019) Branch President

Mary Thiess, SP subgroup, Treasurer

James Shepherd (Spring 2019) Branch MAL

Steven Colwell, SP subgroup MAL


1.  Nick opened the meeting at 5:30 with quorum  of 9, approval by all of the agenda

  • Recognition that on traditional territory of the Coast Salish people
  • Introductions - round table
    • This meeting will help coordinate collaborative efforts between Branch (PIPSC - NCVI) and Subgroups (SP/AV)
    • Motion to appoint Alan Messner as the newest member of the NCVI branch executive as a MAL - M/S Jennifer/Nick

2.  Action items last  meeting


  1. Survey executive to branch AGM dates in May 2019 (Jennifer) - defer until AGM discussion
  2. Order branch shirts for new executive members Diana and Kalie shirts (Carl) M/S CC/BW - in progress
  3. Order visibility items for AGM, possibly TUIF shirts (JM/CC) M/S CC/BW - in progress

SP Group:

  1. M.Y. Fridays - meeting Your Union Fridays (Oct 22-24, Dec 2-5, Jan 16-18, Mar 13-15) - dates under development

3.  Treasurer's Report

  • Branch Financials for 2018 YTD, budget for 2018 and 2019 - update provided
  • Branch motions for any expenses approved by email
    • Support for pension session in Comox - M/S Tamas / Diane
    • PBS CHristmas party - M/S Kalie / Bill
    • SP Financials, motions - no update

4. Branch standing items

  • AGM
      • Discussed idea to combined AGM with SP and Branch to increase engagement.  For 2019, SP group plans a lunch hour AGM meeting at PBS; but is open to discussing possible joint AGM for 2020
      • Branch Speaker - invite PIPSC branch office to attend
      • Timeframe - Spring
      • Hospitality committee - deferred
    • Outreach
      • event including public service -  Beach/stream clean-up or kits for homeless or… - deferred
      • June picnic - deferred

5. Current workplace issues for our members – mental health, bullying, harassment, overworking, other? - Discussion on workplace issues being presented to DFO management via the DFO Consultations Committee

6. New Business / Roundtable / Updates

  • Branch stewards appreciation event - met for breakfast at Steward Council
  • PIPSC BC/Yukon Steward Council - Oct 22/23 - Tamas and Jennifer attended
  • National SP president’s call - Oct 31 - Dan gave update
  • Pension planning session - Nov 13 - held in Comox and 2 sessions in Nanaimo.  All sessions well attended.  Evening sessions in Nanaimo and sessions in Comox to be encouraged for future education sessions
  • National Presidents meeting (SP) - Nov 24 - Dan gave update.  Federal election predicted to influence contract negotiations.


  • Bill reviewed costs of joining the CLC in Comox and Campbell River.
  • Productive to have joint branch and subgroup meetings.

8. Next meeting:

Dates TBC

Action items from this meeting:

  1. Schedule branch AGM in Spring - Jennifer
  2. Schedule SP AGM at PBS at lunch - Dan
  3. Order branch shirts for new executive members Diana and Kalie shirts (Carl)
  4. Order visibility items for AGM, possibly TUIF shirts (Carl)
  5. SP Group: Schedule meeting Your Union Fridays in new year - Dan
  6. Schedule a branch AGM speaker from PIPSC branch office - Jennifer
  7. Form an AGM branch hospitality committee - deferred
  8. Follow up on branch joining the CLC in Comox and Campbell River - Bill
  9. Schedule future joint branch and subgroup meeting - Jennifer and Dan