Friday, February 17th, 2023, Saturday, February 18th, 2023

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 8:30 am – 12 noon

The Lord Nelson, Halifax – Vanguard I Meeting Room


Participant List

Christine LeDrew (chair)


St. John’s Branch

2 Year Term


Joel White


Gander Branch

1 Year Term


Brooke Casey


CSC Atlantic Branch

2 Year Term


Kailey von Richter


Fredericton Branch

1 Year Term


Erika Isenor


Halifax Branch

2 Year Term


Jessica Wood


Halifax Branch

1 Year Term


Kathy McLellan


Prince Edward Island Branch

2 Year Term


Craig MacEwan


Prince Edward Island Branch

1 Year Term


Manny Costain


Atlantic Regional Director




Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

Manny did welcome and land acknowledgement, as well as an equity statement. 


Approval of Agenda

Kailey asked about discussing the budget, which Christine pointed out we would discuss the Committee’s Terms of Reference. 

Craig approved the amended agenda, and Kathy seconded. 


Approval of Minutes of May 27, 2022

A note was made by Christine that the CSs would have to be changed to ITs in minutes going forward. 

Erika approved, and Kathy seconded. 


Review of Action Items

New Member List

  • Christine broke up a new member list and sent it to Kailey, Kathy and Erika. 
  • Erika sent templates to those who needed them. 
  • New member emails were sent. 

Cheat Sheet

  • Provide a link to new members with an intro to the union presentation being brought to the regional executive.
  • Erika sent a presentation to Christine. 


  • Kathy created google hangout
  • Christine sent an email to members with a link to the Google shared drive. 


  • Craig wrote a blurb for the email. Will add it to the drive.
  • Christine retrieved results from prior polls on communication and events.
  • Ongoing- in future emails, include a poll asking how people would like to be communicated via email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. 
  • Ongoing- in future emails, include a poll asking what type of events people would like to attend: bbq, lunch events, local events, bowling, activities, etc. 

Standalone Meeting

  • Meeting was approved for February 17-18, 2023, dates.


  • Christine sent options to the committee and received approval from Regional Executive. Will order extras to give away at events. 

Hot Topics

  • Christine sent link to new members, which includes family/union life balance policy, and travel policy.
  • Christine did zoom meeting with new members to walk through doing expenses in concur. 

Action Items

New Member List

  • ACTION- Christine to bring forward to Regional Executive about including PIPSC & You presentation.
  • ACTION- Starting September 2023, Christine to request new member listing every March and September. 


  • ACTION- Craig will add a blurb for new members to the google drive for review, so it can be sent to all new members. 
  • ACTION- Brooke to translate the under 40 emails.
  • ACTION- Find out what communication PIPSC will allow us to have with members. 
  • ACTION- Do a survey on communications and events and send it to members (questions found under the mobilization section). 
  • ACTION- Christine to create a google drive for committee members to include questions for an issues survey. 
  • ACTION- Erika send event questions to Christine. 
  • ACTION- Notify branch and sub-group presidents when an event is happening in their region and ask it to be forwarded to their under-40 members.
  • ACTION- Start to think of Steward Council events.
  • ACTION- Plan a standalone meeting during the October meeting (will be ongoing for the next meeting).


  • ACTION- Brooke to write a newsletter article. Deadline mid-May, before ARC.
  • ACTION- Christine to send the previous newsletter to Brooke. 


  • ACTION- Christine will call potential event locations and update the committee members with options and pricing. 


  • ACTION- Christine to get pricing for potential swag items and provide pricing to members in an email.
  • ACTION- Take swag items to the Regional Executive for approval before ordering. 

Training Budget and Options

  • ACTION- Christine to discuss the budget with Gerald Hill. 

Review Committees Terms of Reference

-A copy can be found in our google drive. 

- Christine reviewed the entire document.

- Discussions were held regarding the budget and how the training budget is not getting used and could be better in another category. 

- Discussed how the stand-alone meeting is split between the two days so that travel is doable from all provinces and a youth event can be held on a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon. 

- Discussion was held around piloting and having the training budget allocated to engagement instead. This would have to be approved by the board, not the Regional Executive. 



  1. Old survey results-survey results are in google drive.   
  2. New survey to members?- we discussed doing another survey, via email. Looking at options of sending ourselves to those under 40 as there are wait times for translation currently. 
  • Questions were discussed for the survey, including communication and event questions. Questions are as follows: 
  1. How do you want to be communicated with? If email provide which email. 
  2. Would you attend an AYPC event? If so, what kind of events are you interested in?
  3. How far from your location/community are you willing to travel for an event? (Give a,b,c, etc. Options with ranges).
  4. What time of the day and day of the week would you want to attend events?
  5. What type of attendance would you like? (family, single, plus one, etc.).
  • Discussed doing another survey asking youth what issues they are encountering in the workplace. 
  • A Google doc will be created for committee members to collaborate on these issues and what we would like included in the survey. 
  1. Bi-annual emails- BF once received after doing a survey of how people want to be contacted.
  2. Virtual lunch and learn- hold off on survey results. 
  3. Other items- wait for survey results. 

Atlantic Regional Council (ARC)

  1. Meeting- May 26th in St. John’s
  • AYPC meeting to be held 8:30 am or 9 am Friday morning. 
  1. Member engagement event
  • Would like to do an event Thursday night for AYPC.
  • Ideas: karaoke, finding a location for drinks & food.
  • Bridie Molloy’s is an option for location.
  • Would have finger foods and drink tickets. 
  • Christine will call around for prices and options and email the committee with details.

Newsletter Articles

  • Newsletter topics were discussed. 
  • Topics: voicing concerns/ your voice matters, virtual training vs. training in person
  • Include a blurb letting people know the survey is coming
  • Brooke to write an article. Deadline mid-May, before ARC.

The evening break was taken at 4:07 pm. The meeting would resume at 9 am, Saturday, February 18, 2023.

Swag Ideas 

  • Budget of $3,000
  • Christine had a new logo created for sweaters.
  • Discussed that members want sweaters black with white logo. 
  • For 15 sweaters it cost $538 plus shipping
  • Getting shipped to Christine in St. John's so people can get at the ARC. 
  • Leaves roughly $2,200/$2,300 in the budget for additional items.
  • Ideas: pop its, pop sockets, magnetic bookmarks, notebooks, stanley mugs, power banks, notebook w/pen, will have 7 extra sweaters, first aid kits, fidget spinners, bobblehead Manny, can kozi, travel tech kit, post it/sticky notes, highlighter blocks, office kit/pencil kit, screen cleaner/cloth, mouse pads, hand sanitizer. 
  • Must go to the region before order is approved. 

Training Budget and Options

  • Previously discussed when reviewing Committees’ Terms of Reference. 
  • If we wanted to do our own budget it would have to be approved at National AGM.
  • Would like the budget to have more for additional meetings. 
  • Budget was decided a while ago and does not take inflation into account. 
  • Christine is going to meet with Gerald to discuss the budget.

Review of Goals for next year

Goals from the prior October 21, 2022 meeting:

The members discussed what goals they would like to set for the committee. They decided on the following:

  1. Stay on top of new employee emails. 
  • Have been doing. 
  • Thinking of moving to doing every 6 months.
  • Starting September 2023, do in March and September of each year
  • Before the meeting, Christine requested a list which was 80-90 people total and Christine sent emails prior to the meeting. 
  1. Stay on top of our events: have events at all 3 union events (ARC, Stewart Council, stand-alone meeting). Have different kinds of events, at least 1 family-friendly event.

-Had a family-friendly event at a roller skating park the Friday night of the meeting.

  1. Ensure having a newsletter article in every newsletter.

-Ongoing, going to have an article for the newsletter in May

  1. To submit a swag order.

-Ongoing, discussing swag items and will be placing an order.


Hot Topics

  1. National YPN Meeting
  • Event April 13 & 14, 2023.
  • Two youth members from each committee (the chair and one other).
  • Event to be in Vancouver.
  • Notice was very short, concerns of long travel for 2 days even, do not think anyone can attend.
  • Concerns of no agenda or discussion topics being provided.
  • The AYPC does not see the reason for the event or the chosen location.
  • Manny had not heard of the event being discussed with the board of directors.
  • Manny sent an email to the board to clarify the unknowns of the events.
  1. Debrief of Family event
  • 4 families attend the event.
  • Total cost was $557, 113 adults, 6 kids.
  • This included pizza and snacks, pizza was ordered.
  • People who attended were very happy with the event.
  • For the May event we're thinking plus one if the member would like to bring one.
  • Open to local members under 40 as well as members under 40 who are attending the ARC.

Round Table

  • Kailey said she would not be able to attend the ARC. She is a one-year term that would be up after ARC.
  • Craig asked when the call out for committee members would come. After May’s ARC. Craig has aged out and ARC will be the last meeting.
  • Christine thanked everyone for attending. 


Manny gave closing remarks, said it was a good meeting and he enjoyed attending.

Kathy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12 pm. Craig seconded the motion.