Atlantic Regional Training Committee Meeting Minutes
Delta Beauséjour, Moncton, NB, March 22, 2019

CHAIRPERSON: Carolyn Hynes


Marcel Journeay

Mike Pauley

Jason Rioux

Phil Wilson

STAFF: Catherine Pinks, Recording Secretary

I. Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

Motion #1 Phil moved and Jason seconded that the agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED

II. Minutes – January 25, 2019

Motion #2 Mike moved and Marcel seconded that the minutes of January 25, 2019 be approved as presented. CARRIED

III. Action Items

Carolyn led the committee members through a review of the Action Items from the January 25,

2019 meeting.

Action Items

Generated by the Atlantic Regional Training Committee

January 25, 2019 - Delta Dartmouth, Dartmouth, NS

# Action
Item/Completion Deadline

1 Mike
Come up with a list of training needs for the NB Groups.

2 Resolution Committee
Bring a resolution to the January meeting to change TEC to TEAM for Executive approval and forwarding on to the ARC.
BF March BF March

3 Catherine
Have Training Committee Representative do the post course follow-up for the September Basic Training.

4 Catherine
Fix typo in the draft language for the six-month post follow up email and Training Committee Representative’s duties.

5 Catherine
Send Carolyn the Steward Council Agendas for the last three years to bring to her next TEC meeting.

6 Carolyn
Bring the suggestion of a session on governance to TEC.

7 Phil
Add $5000 to the ARC budget.

8 Phil
Prepare budgets for the period July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021.

9 Kim
Invite the President to Steward Council and indicate we do not want an alternate.

10 Catherine
Regarding Facing Management Effectively vs New Stewards speak with ERO’s to see if they are interested in preparing a presentation or if they would prefer we approach the CLC for material and a presenter.

11 Kim and Catherine
Prepare and agenda for the session with New Stewards.

12 Catherine
Book Sean King, Turning a New Leaf as the closing speaker for Steward Council.

13 Catherine
Source pricing on a sweat shirt with TUIF branding – Red and Yellow for Steward Council.

14 Kim
Approach Paul to see if we can up the numbers to 50 for the school.

15 Catherine
Solicit a speaker on Engagement for the ARC.

16 Carolyn
Provide Catherine with the criteria to develop a form to submit special training requests.

Item 3: Catherine reported that an email reminder containing the participants contact information has been sent out to the Training Committee Representative on the September Basic, Mike Pauley, so he can contact and follow up with the participants.

Item 9: Kim reported Debi is not available to attend our October Steward Council.

Item 14: Kim spoke with Atlantic Regional Manager, Paul Hartigan regarding increasing the number of course participants for the school from 22 per class to 25 and Paul indicated he preferred it remain at 22 per class.

ACTION: Training Committee send ideas to Carolyn regarding criteria to develop a form to

submit when making special training requests.

ACTION: Carolyn send to Catherine the notes received from the Training Committee regarding

criteria to develop a form to submit when making special training requests.

ACTION: Catherine format the notes received from the Training Committee regarding criteria

to develop a form to submit when making special training requests.

IV. Calendar of Events

Carolyn reviewed the calendar of events noting there have been no changes since the January meeting.

V. Training Committee Chairperson and Training and Education Committee Reports

Carolyn tabled her Training Committee Chairperson’s report and the Training and Education reports dated February 11 and March 14, 2019. Discussion ensued regarding the Pension Lunch and Learns being facilitated by the trained stewards. Complaints have been received that the information is too general – they are not specialists. It has been suggested there should be a disclaimer on the course notification stating it is just general information so there is no expectation for a detailed presentation.

Motion #3 Jason moved and Marcel seconded that the Training Committee Chairperson’s Report and the Training and Education Committee Reports be approved as presented. CARRIED

VI. Lunch and Learns

Carolyn reported there has been an increase in requests for Lunch and Learns. There is a new process in place for making the requests. To request authorization for a Lunch and Learn, complete and submit the online application found on the PIPSC website. It gets sent directly to education and is then forwarded to the respective Training Committee Chairperson. She has received five requests under the new process – 4 PIPSC and You and 1 Do Better.

Marcel suggested an information email go out to advise members of the new process for requesting approval for a Lunch and Learn.

Mike suggested the new process would be a good item for our next Atlantic Newsletter.

ACTION: Carolyn to suggest to TEC that a notification on the new process for requesting Lunch and Learns be sent to all Stewards and Constituent Body Presidents.

ACTION: Catherine insert a notice on the new process and the link for requesting Lunch and Learns in the next Atlantic Newsletter.

Carolyn reminded the Committee that the average per person cost permitted for Lunch and Learns is $10-$15 per person.

VII. Budgets

Phil presented the following budgets for the Committee to review:

  • Steward Council Budget 2020 – Lord Nelson Hotel Halifax
  • Atlantic Regional Training Budget 2020-2021

ACTION: Phil in the Atlantic Regional Training Budget, Atlantic Regional Training School participant numbers, change 42 to 46. (22 per class plus Director and Training Chair)

ACTION: Phil send revised budget for Atlantic Regional Training to Carolyn for the TEC meeting.

VII. Atlantic Steward Update

ACTION: Catherine add expiration dates and Departments to Steward Update report.

IX. Steward Training Update

Carolyn referred the committee to the Evaluations for the February 21-23, 2019, Basic Steward Training held in Dartmouth, NS.

Venue Evaluation: Overall well received with a few comments indicating the venue was a bit far removed to take advantage of activities off site.

Compiled Post Learning Assessment: Overall the training received an excellent rating.

Training Committee Reps Report: All good.

X. Atlantic Regional Steward Council

Carolyn reviewed the agenda noting Kim has made the request for someone from PIPSC legal to come speak on the cannabis legislation. Kim reported our request is being considered.

Carolyn reviewed the Steward Council agenda. She indicated that the TEC committee is requesting one hour on each region’s agenda to present on the New Steward Framework. The Committee decided to move the scholarship presentation to Lunch. Lunch will be from 12:00 – 1:30 pm, a plated lunch with the Scholarship presentation over dessert. The 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm sessions on Facing Management Effectively and President and Director with New Stewards will be replaced with the New Steward Framework.

XI. Training School

The agenda for the Training School was reviewed. Kim advised she is unable to attend as she has a conflict. Phil offered to assist Carolyn as the second elected official on the course and he will oversee the hospitality suite.

Carolyn decided to use the Apple Watch as the prize for the charity fundraiser. Catherine will secure a charity for the event. Marcel suggested Catherine look at Open Arms, Valley Care Pregnancy Center and FSTRA.

The committee agreed to host hospitality on Thursday immediately following the training, Friday immediately following the training and Saturday for those not returning home.

ACTION: Catherine adjust Phil’s reservations for the School to add Wednesday evening.

ACTION: Catherine to source and arrange for a charity to receive the fundraising donation from the School.

XII. New Business

New Steward Framework: Carolyn reported one of the PIPSC strategic goals identified in 2019 is an overhaul of the entire steward framework. The mandate indicates improving the steward experience and engagement in measurable actions that have a positive impact on our members and organization. Four areas were identified: Steward Application/Recruitment; Steward Training; Steward Recognition and Steward Renewal – a fourth, Management of Stewards may also be added. This is a two to three-year project. The project will begin with a survey of Stewards, then consultation with the Regional Directors and AC, next a campaign titled “I’m a PIPSC Steward” and a presentation at all Steward Councils.

Carolyn provided an overview of the results from the brainstorming session on the New Steward Framework at the last TEC meeting.

The Training Committee engaged in a brainstorming session of their own generating ideas under each of the following categories: Steward Renewal, Stewards General, Steward Recognition, Steward Training, Steward application/recruitment.

The steward survey is expected to be circulated in May.

Resolution Training and Education Committee (TEC) to Training, Education and Mentoring (TEAM): Marcel presented his resolution for the name change of the TEC for discussion. He explained that in addition to the obvious confusion over the perceived IT meaning of the term TEC, the acronym TEAM includes one of the committee’s mandates – mentoring. He also pointed out that the acronym will lend itself to promotional material. Marcel inquired if the Atlantic representatives of the TEC were on board with the proposed resolution and they indicated they were.

ACTION: Catherine to facilitate the inclusion of the TEC to TEAM resolution in the ARC meeting package.

XX. Round Table and Adjournment

Following a round table the meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.