IT Executive Meeting

03 June 2022, 09h00 to 17h00 (Eastern time)

Delta Hotels by Marriott Montreal, Mozart Room



In-Person: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Steven Fréchette, Gordon Bulmer, Rob Scott, Deb Butler, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Patricia Williams

Staff (in-person): Jean-Paul Leduc – Negotiator, Josianne Drouin – Researcher

  1. Welcome: Stan called the meeting to Order at 09h23.


  1. Adoption of Agenda:

Moved: Tony Goddard                 Seconded: Pierre Touchette

THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented,                       



  1. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting(s):

Moved: Tony Goddard                       Seconded: Deb Butler

THAT the minutes of 08 April 2022 be approved as presented.      



  1. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items:
  1. Change all instances of Group publications, including all web pages and social media, to reflect the new IT Group name. Also, coordinate the change of the Group name with PIPSC Staff for all PIPSC documentation and web pages. (Tony) Ongoing - Stan to address this at the AGM – the timeline and next steps.
  2. Add “Discussion on composition of the IT Group Bargaining Team” to a future Strategic Planning meeting. (Tony) Added to Strategic Planning Agenda after Elections.
  3. Set up a meeting(s) with Communications to identify potential issues and solutions for the communication processes with our membership. (Stan) ONGOING
  4. Compile a list of visibility items currently available and send the list to the Executive. (Pierre) Complete – email sent to all Executive members April 11, 2022,
  5. Provide Bruno L. with a set of guidelines to re-work the submitted logos, including: (Pierre) Complete
    1. “IT-TI”
    2. Use upper case font
    3. Smaller PIPSC logo
    4. Various fonts
    5. 2 Graphic colours
  6. Arrange for the SGP meeting agenda to be properly translated. (JP) Complete
  7. Make sure the Presidents attending are all aware that they will need room in their luggage for visibility items. (Lucille) Complete
  8. Verify with Natalie Tessier that a hybrid meeting format is an option. (Any virtual attendees can have the visibility items mailed to them.) (Lucille) Complete
  9. Submit Group Bylaw changes for the CS – IT name change to BLPC/BoD and coordinate the revision to all Subgroup Bylaws. (Tony) Complete
  10. Request a 10-minute slot to make a presentation to the PIPSC EC. (Yvonne) Sent to Fedora and forwarded to Sylvie – Yvonne coordinating
  1. Provide feedback on the YPC ToR to Yvonne NLT April 22, 2022. (ALL) Timed-out
  1. Update the New Member Pamphlet and arrange for distribution to new members. (Gordon & Tony) Ongoing The new Membership Officer will need to discuss “how” to engage our membership at Strategic Planning.


Pierre pointed out that moving forward we will need translation at EVERY meeting.

ACTION ITEM (Tony): Advise AA of new requirement for translation at all future meetings.


  1. Standing Items:
    1. Bargaining Update (Rob Scott & JP Leduc)

Issues with last communication (Bytes) flow through Translation and Communications .. the 

timeline is too long and there are too many hoops to jump through. We have requested a process with approval by the Director of Negotiations, David Yazbeck, then send message translated by JP, to members. We, the Executive, will address this with PIPSC Vice President Eva Henshaw and her Communications Committee.


Rob outlined the updated Bargaining Communications Plan:


  • Send out Zoom invitations to Group Executive and Subgroup Presidents for post-session updates (Barg Officer)

During Session

  • Collect details of note for reporting in the IT Bytes (Barg Team)
  • Review correspondence for issues that we need to respond to or report on (Barg Officer, Negotiator)


  • Complete a draft IT Bytes message with review from bargaining team (Barg Officer)
  • Translate a draft French version with DeepL and bilingual members on team (Barg Officer)
  • send copies to Comms Officer (Barg Officer)
  • Hold Zoom updates for IT Executive (5:30 pm EST) and Subgroup Presidents (7:00 pm EST) (Barg Officer, Negotiator, President)
  • Post a draft IT Bytes with unofficial translation on IT Group website (Comms Officer)
  • Share links on social media sites (Comms Officer)
  • Submit final English draft to PIPSC for translation and then submit to Communications for posting to PIPSC website and sending by email to IT membership (Barg Officer, AA)

Between Sessions

  • Respond to member emails and bcc bargaining team (Barg Officer, Negotiator)
  • Info Sessions
  • Provide updates to members using the IT Group Bargaining Update presentation (Barg Team)
  • Maintain presentation as we move forward (Barg Officer)
  • Lunch Sessions
  • Subgroup AGMs

Evening Sessions


NOTE: Our Bytes always includes the topics discussed with TBS but in general terms.


Central Table process is still being determined. Our two (2) choices for our representative to the Central Table, in required, are:

  1. Yvonne Snaddon
  2. Matt Vanner

Gordon suggested that we create Bytes template that simply points to our website. He also suggested that we create an FAQ on our website, to be maintained by the team.


Finally, Jean-Paul discussed a new strategy that is being tried by PSAC


  1. Strategic Planning Update (Stan)

Will discuss tentative dates later in meeting.


  1. IT Group Elections (Yvonne)

There were many complaints this election cycle, much above the normal.

A regional breakdown of votes has been provided outlining the distribution of the very low, 5.5%, vote rate. Discussion around what needs to be done to identify engagement solutions ensued. It was also mentioned that our Rand rate is much too high and we need to ramp up the RAND campaign as a priority.

Election Results (confidential until presented at the AGM)

President: [953 ballots, 24 blank, 929 counted]

  1. Stan Buday (469) (elected)
  2. Stephane Aubry (460)


Member-At-Large : [953 ballots, 16 blank, 953 counted]

  1. Rob Scott (acclaimed 3-yr)
  2. Robert Tellier (466) (elected 3-yr)
  3. Stephane Aubry (464) (elected 3-yr)
  4. Debbie Butler (438) (elected 3-yr)
  5. Patricia Williams (416) (elected 3-yr)
  6. Tamara Critch (356)  (elected 2-yr)


  1. J Gordon Bulmer (234)
  2. Denis Caissy (222)
  3. Aleksandra Dukic (210)
  4. Shawn Adams (203)
  5. Nino Mangione (190)
  6. Randy Oomen (179)
  7. James Brown (147)
  8. James Young (147)
  9. Yaamalai Sri Tharan (139)
  10. Matthew Waters (136)
  11. Alex Stefishen (70)


  1. Visibility Items (Pierre)
    1. A box of older items has been sent to the new Subgroup in Sydney, NS
    2. We must move fast and order new bandanas so we can them send out to a very large number of our members so they can show support of our Bargaining Team.


ACTION ITEM (ALL): Send your visibility item ideas to Pierre.


    1. Visibility item for subgroups: Tony proposed that we identify a major item for the Group to purchase and distribute to each Subgroup. Suggestions include:
        • Retractor Kit (In-stand/Standee)
        • Flag c/w pole
        • Table runners


ACTION ITEM (Pierre): Price the identified visibility items and report back to the Executive.


  1. IT Group Logo (Tony)

Results of the Logo Poll has been approved by the Group Executive and will be presented to AGM


  1. Subgroup Presidents Meeting (Lucille) Complete until 2023.


  1. IT AGM (Gordon)

Gordon discussed lessons learned and commented that the only task remaining before the actual meeting is to cleanup the folder on the Google drive.


ACTION ITEM (Tony): Reorganize the Google Folder available to the AGM delegates.


  1. PIPSC AGM (Gordon)

We will need a new “temporary” membership officer to continue the coordination of this call for delegates and continue the work on this portfolio. Patricia Williams stepped forward to keep control on this important event.


ACTION ITEM (Patricia): Advise Linda R of the new contact on the callout letter.

  1. New Business:
  1. Strategic Planning

Tentative dates: 22, 23 August


ACTION ITEM (ALL): Send topic suggestions for the Strategic Planning session to Stan, Pierre & Tony.


  1. IT Elections Committee ToR (Yvonne)
    • This year’s election had many problems and issues.
    • Yvonne is planning a post mortem with PIPSC Communications.
    • Do we want to have PIPSC Elections Committee to run the next election?
    • Suggest a committee to review the Bylaws, and regulations covering our elections.
      • Volunteers: Stan, Pierre, Yvonne, Patricia, Lucille (Patricia & Lucille stepped away)


MOVED: Yvonne Snaddon          SECONDED: Gordon Bulmer

THAT we create an Elections Reform Committee of 3 members, lead by outgoing Election Chair.



  1. Outgoing executive dinner

We decided to pick a date near the PIPSC AGM to thank Gordon, Eva & Stacy.


ACTION ITEM (Stan):  Set up reservations for Outgoing Executive Dinner.


  1. ITESC ToR – move to Strategic planning meeting.


ACTION ITEM (Tony):  Add ITESC ToR to our Strategic Planning agenda.


  1. Executive Reports: All Reports Verbal
    1. President (Stan):

ACTION ITEM (Tony & Stan):  Reschedule the May 30th Bargaining Info Session.


    1. Vice-President (Pierre): Attended the Quebec AGM, participated I the re-branding process and work with the Elections Committee.


    1. Treasurer (Deb): We have money ($70K in bank) an have yet to apply for allocation for 2022


ACTION ITEM (Deb): Find out from PIPSC Finance what is the maximum allowable for the Group bank (allocation) (1.5% ??).


    1. Steering Committee/Secretary (Tony): All approved Executive minutes are translated and posted on the PIPSC Website


    1. Bargaining / Negotiations (Rob): See above.


  1. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Deb & Gordon): PIPSC Political Action Team will invite us to a June 15th preview of presentations for week of July 19, 20, 21 or later.


ACTION ITEM (Gordon & Deb): Schedule a full NOC-ROC meeting this fall (September)


Stan announced that Gordon has agreed to continue on as NOC Co-chair.


    1. Communications (Tony): Ongoing updates to web pages, new page for Reports & Event Photos.


    1. Subgroup Officer (Lucille):

There are currently 987 members not in a subgroup, of which 600+ are Rands. We need to determine how to address this. We also need to address how to include the isolated members in a subgroup. A report is posted for the AGM. There are six (6) inactive Subgroups due to retirements and other reasons.


MOVED: Lucille Shears          SECONDED: Patricia Williams

THAT we move to a closed session



Consultation with PISPC re: Ottawa West Subgroup.

Mediation has been unsuccessful. Met with Jenn Carr and she recommends that someone chair every meeting so Director Mark Muench has been appointed and the President of SG has been advised. If not resolved, a trustee will be appointed.

Pierre – recommends splitting the Ottawa West Subgroup since it is currently too large.

The discussion pointed out that since Subgroups belong to Groups, we need to resolve this without involving the Region. Lucille will take this back to Jenn Carr for reconsideration. All of our recommendations should be taken to Jenn Carr and let PIPSC finish their process without our intervention. 


MOVED: Pierre Touchette     SECONDED: Gordon Bulmer

THAT we end the closed session.



National “unassigned” subgroups – Membership should be assigning every CS member to a Subgroup; example: All of Newfoundland should belong to the St Johns Subgroup and anyone outside of Canada belongs to the Ottawa Metro Subgroup.


ACTION ITEM (Lucille): Provide list of all NA members and request PIPSC Membership to assign them to a subgroup. IF they are outside a subgroup boundary, assign them to the closest, revise boundaries of SG and advise them that meetings will be virtual (no transportation to be paid). Once this exercise is complete then review remaining “orphans” and discuss solution.


Yvonne reported that the AC is conducting discussions around re-defining the structure of Subgroups and Branches, taking into consideration the new reality of the Return to the Workplace.


Rob reminded that a remote member is still entitled to attend meetings in person BUT at their own expense, which seems unfair.


Gord stated that if all members in a subgroup are virtual, then there is not 2 types of members but if only some members are virtual, then there is a sense of unfairness – suggests based on Department.


Stan is not a fan of Departmental Subgroups for a variety of reasons.


Tony supports the development of Geographical subgroups based on where you sit (at home or at work).


    1. Steward Officer (Patricia):

Resignations have slowed. We need to review with PIPSC how resignations are handled.

We should submit a resolution to change when a Steward gets their card, such as after completion of the online course.


  1. Membership Officer (Gordon) – IT AGM is set to go.

Member & RAND letters are approved by executive.


ACTION ITEM (Gordon): To send letters as NOC Co-Chair.


  1. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Yvonne) - Reported on the AC/BoD meeting held June 1st.


  1. Contracting Out Officer (Yvonne) – COAT will be meeting next week and the new COAT database to be implemented following week. Also a Zoom meeting with Lauren Hunter (OCIO office) with Yvonne, JP, Yvonne, Rob to discuss replacement for Appendix I.


    1. Classification (Karim) – nothing new to report


  1. Other Business/Roundtable:


JP asked that if there is an issue/problem with the reimbursement of expenses, please let him know so he can report it to his Director.


ACTION ITEM (ALL): Submit all of your known Concur/expense issues to JP for action.


  1. Next Meeting(s): It was decided to conduct a Zoom meeting in July or early August.

ACTION ITEM (Stan): Send a doodle poll to determine a date for the next Zoom meeting.


ACTION ITEM (Stan): Send a doodle poll to determine a location for the Strategic Planning meeting.

  1. Adjournment :

MOVED: Pierre Touchette           SECONDED: Deb Butler

THAT we adjourn at 15h18.



Summary of Action Items

  1. Advise AA of new requirement for translation at all future meetings. (Tony)
  2. Send your visibility item ideas to Pierre. (ALL)
  3. Price the identified visibility items (retractor kit, flags, table runner) and report back to the Executive. (Pierre)
  4. Reorganize the Google Folder available to the AGM delegates. (Tony)
  5. Advise Linda R of the new contact on the callout letter. (Patricia)
  6. Send topic suggestions for the Strategic Planning session to Stan, Pierre & Tony. (ALL)
  7. Set up reservations for Outgoing Executive Dinner. (Stan)
  8. Add ITESC ToR to our Strategic Planning agenda. (Tony)
  9. Reschedule the May 30th Bargaining Info Session. (Stan & Tony)
  10. Find out from PIPSC Finance what is the maximum allowable for the Group bank (allocation) (1.5% ??). (Deb)
  11. Schedule a full NOC-ROC meeting this fall (September) (Gordon & Deb)
  12. Provide list of all NA members and request PIPSC Membership to assign them to a subgroup. IF they are outside a subgroup boundary, assign them to the closest, revise boundaries of SG and advise them that meetings will be virtual (no transportation to be paid). Once this exercise is complete then review remaining “orphans” and discuss solution. (Lucille)
  13. Send member & RAND letters as NOC Co-Chair. (Gordon)
  14. Submit all of your known Concur/expense issues to JP for action. (ALL)
  15. Send a doodle poll to determine a date for the next Zoom meeting. (Stan)
  16. Send a doodle poll to determine a location for the Strategic Planning meeting. (Stan)