Responsibilities of the President

  • The President is responsible for the overall function of the constituent body.
  • The President is the official spokesperson for the constituent body.
  • The President shall call and preside over all meetings.
  • The President shall prepare the agenda for Executive meetings and, in doing so, be informed on matters prior to the meeting and know who is able to address certain specialized topics.
  • The President shall ensure that meetings are conducted in an orderly manner with ample opportunity for all to express their opinions, following which, decisions will be made in keeping with the wishes of the majority.
  • The President shall ensure that the constituent body is allotted delegate positions when appropriate and that representatives from the constituent body fill these positions.
  • The President may delegate tasks to other Executive members.
  • The President shall ensure that resolutions carried are implemented in a timely manner or forwarded to the appropriate body for consideration.
  • The President should be aware of available funding and other financial considerations.
  • The President shall have an updated list of members in his/her constituent body.  
  • The President shall ensure that all Executive Officers fulfil their responsibilities and duties and that the By-Laws of the constituent body are upheld at all times.  A copy of the By-Laws for a constituent body can be obtained through the Institute National Office.

Responsibilities of the Vice-President

  • The Vice-President shall work closely with the President and thereby be in a position as assist and/or replace the President at any time.
  • The Vice-President shall assume delegated responsibilities as assigned.
  • The Vice-President is expected to take over the role of President until either the end of the term or an election takes place if the position becomes vacant.  (May 2018)

Responsibilities of the Secretary

  • The Secretary is mainly responsible for maintaining an accurate record of all meetings and be the custodian of all records of the constituent body. 
  • The Secretary shall ensure that all motions and/or resolutions are accurately recorded in the minutes and that the names of the mover(s) and seconder(s) are also recorded.
  • The Secretary shall ensure that resolutions passed are forwarded promptly to the appropriate body.  Generally, Branches forward resolutions to the Regional Councils and Sub-Groups forward resolutions to their own Group or Regional Council.  However, any member or constituent body can forward resolutions directly to the AGM by sending same to the Executive Secretary at the National Office.  Resolutions carried at Executive and Group general meetings or Regional Executive and Regional Council meetings, which are matters to be considered at the Institute AGM shall be forwarded promptly to the Executive Secretary at the National Office.  Resolutions which propose changes in Institute By-Laws must be received at least twelve (12) weeks prior to the Institute AGM.  All other resolutions must be received at least twelve (12) weeks prior to the Institute AGM.
  • The Secretary shall prepare the agenda for meetings under the direction of the President.
  • The Secretary shall ensure that all Executive members receive a notice of the meetings and agenda well in advance of the meeting.
  • The Secretary shall receive correspondence and inform the President of same.
  • The Secretary shall ensure that the names of the Regional Council / AGM delegates / observers are forwarded to the appropriate Office Administrator in the Region.
  • The Secretary shall maintain a current list of all Executive addresses and telephone numbers.
  • The Secretary shall maintain a current list of membership.  Refer to the Policy on Access to Membership Lists.

Responsibilities of the Treasurer

  • The Treasurer is to maintain an accurate record of all monies received and expenditures paid.
  • The Treasurer shall prepare a budget forecast for the next year and apply for an annual allowance on the appropriate form and forward these to the Institute National Office.
  • The Treasurer shall prepare and present an updated financial statement at each Executive meeting, and at the Annual General Meeting of the constituent body.
  • The Treasurer shall have signing authority for cheques; a second signature will be required.