Executive Summary

On May 10, 2019 the PIPSC NR group executive, NR sub-group representatives and observers held the annual NR sub-group presidents meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for the sub-groups to discuss issues of concern raised by their members in the workplace.

A total of fifteen (15) sub-group representatives  attended the meeting where a variety of concerns were presented  that detailed in general,  a deterioration of NR member’s profession, and workplace environment.

The major sources of concerns raised by the sub-groups are not surprising and revolve around, but  are not limited to,  some common core items: contracting-out of services, ambiguous work descriptions, hiring practices  (lack of transparency),  professional development (lack of training), government of Canada workplace  roll-out, and a host of pay issues. A combination of these issues has increased workplace anxiety and created a “toxic: environment in some cases.

Moreover,  PIPSC policy requirements for reporting to the NR executive  was found to be  too onerous on some sub-groups; most sub-groups were struggling just  to maintain local executives cohesion, with on going changes in executive membership effecting sub-group performance..

In conclusion, the major issue effecting members is contracting-out of services. The contracting of services robs NR members of career development opportunities as professionals.


Read the full document here.