Atlantic Director

From the Director…

Season’s Greetings.  The weather is starting to turn colder, and it is that time of year again where we take time to reflect on the last 12 months - the good and the bad. What have we accomplished and what needs more work? Sadly, we are still dealing with the catastrophe called Phoenix. The union has negotiated some compensation for the problems Phoenix has caused, is it enough…no…but it is something.  The compensation cannot replace the anxiety of wondering if you will ever be paid correctly.  PIPSC will not stop until every member has their correct pay and there is a reliable program in place to pay us going forward. I look forward to the day that Phoenix is a thing of the past.

In this newsletter we have profiled some of our Regional Executive members.  In the spring newsletter we will include profiles on the rest of the Executive – just an opportunity to get to know a little more about your executive.  Every year, the regional executive tries to find ways to better engage the membership.  To accomplish this we have sent invitations to have an observer at our meetings, held meet and greets for the membership of the constituent body where our meeting is being held and we offer to hold lunch and learns as well. As your Director, I try and attend Branch functions and/or AGMs when invited.  Any other ideas on how to engage the members would be welcome.

Heading into the 2020, some of the same challenges will be present and I am sure there will be new ones that come along. There will be new initiatives the union will be tackling - training being a big one.  Remember your union is always available to assist or sometimes just listen, do not hesitate to get in contact.  Wishing all members health and happiness in the New Year.


In Solidarity,

Kimberley Skanes

Director, Atlantic Region