Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes - March 24, 2018

Date: March 24, 2018

Location: Delta Brunswick, Saint John, NB

In attendance:


  • Kimberley Skanes


  • Marilyn Best
  • Michael Basque
  • Cathy Hebert
  • Carolyn Hynes
  • Marcel Journeay
  • Scott McConaghy
  • Mike Pauley
  • Gerry Saunders
  • Phil Wilson


  • Misty Mathews-Emery


  • Catherine Pinks, Recording Secretary


  • Emmanuel Costain

Welcome and Introductions

Kimberley called the meeting to order at 8:30 am with the introduction of her new gavel. She welcomed observer Misty Mathews-Emery from the NBLA Group and Saint John Branch

Scott facilitated an entertaining ice breaker. Gerry volunteered to do the ice breaker at the May meeting.

Gerry facilitate icebreaker for the May meeting.

1) Approval of the Agenda

The following items were added to the agenda: Item 7 Hot Topics – Phoenix, NB Pension and Water Bottles; New Business – B. Mayworks, C. Dorchester Branch and D. Virtual Binder; Director’s Report – Special General Meeting and ARC – Agenda.

Motion #1:
Cathy moved and Carolyn seconded that the agenda be approved as amended. 

2) Approval of Minutes of January 27, 2018

Motion #2:
Marcel moved and Cathy seconded that the minutes be approved as presented.

3) Action Items

Kim reviewed the Action Items.

Action Items Generated by the Atlantic Regional Executive
From the January 27, 2018, Meeting
Delta Beauséjour, Moncton, NB

Item/Completion Deadline

Collect pictures and stories from their respective constituent bodies and submit to Carolyn for PIPSC’s 100th Anniversary.

Source a translation service to facilitate the translation of resolutions at the ARC.

Make the following bookings:  Training and Executive Meetings - January 25-26, 2019, Delta Dartmouth; March 22-23, 2019, Delta Beauséjour; September 13-14, 2019, Dundee, Keltic or Inverary Inn. Steward Training – February 21-23, 2019, Delta Dartmouth; Regional Training School, April 11-13, 2019, Old Orchard Inn; September 26-28, 2019, Delta Prince Edward, Delta St. John’s or Sheraton St. John’s

Add a reference to the PIPSC Atlantic Member Facebook page under “From the Director”.

Think of members who are deserving of a Service Award and send their name to Kim.

Think about guidelines around soliciting nominations for awards from the Branch and Provincial Group Presidents.

Speak with AGM coordinator and advise that if PIPSC is planning to hold a new delegate meeting or other Thursday evening events, Atlantic will require authorization to bring its delegates in earlier and we will reschedule the caucus meeting.

Follow up with Ginette regarding the food item the Food Bank would like donated.
DONE – canned meats

Go to the Board to get PIPSC HQ to provide items for the food bank drive held in conjunction with the ARC Rally.

Wait to receive application for funds from Ginette and forward to Stephane Aubrey under Better Together.

End Young Professionals Meeting and Branch and Provincial Group Presidents meetings at 11:30 for permit attendance at the rally.

Change start time for ARC to 1:30pm.

Prepare some speaking notes for the presenters to use as an explanation of the ARC Resolutions this will serve as practice for when the resolutions are presented at the AGM.

Source a gift $100 value for Shannon.

Send an email to Branch and NB Group Presidents to see if they want to purchase any H20 bottles.

Re-order H20 Bottles – number based on the orders received from the Presidents in the Atlantic region.

Track the progress of the NB Pension Pamphlets for possible inclusion in the ARC rally.

Revise nomination documents for both Steward of the Year and Executive of the Year and send to the Executive for review and comment.
Executive DONE

Contact Michael and Carolyn to verify if they will act as members of the Elections Committee.

Bring the Executive’s recommendation to dissolve the Dorchester Branch to the Executive Committee which meets on February 1st

Make changes to the ARC and AGM mailouts to reflect the closure of the Dorchester Branch.

Notify the Membership Section of the dissolution of the Dorchester Branch and arrange to have the email groups changed.

Prepare a draft Regional Executive budget for review at the March meeting.

Follow up with Lucie on the actual budget figures for the summary of Atlantic events.

Provide updated actuals for Atlantic events for the March meeting.   

Update the ARC agenda to reflect the decisions noted above.

Replace Member Services with Training and Education on the agendas.

Item 20 – Kim provided an update on the status of the Dorchester Branch explaining the Regional Executive’s recommendation to dissolve the Dorchester Branch due to the number of years it has not been in good standing. This recommendation is still waiting to make the Executive Committee (EC) agenda for final approval.

Gerry asked if Kim could provide an update in writing for him to provide to his membership. Discussion ensued regarding the situation at the Dorchester both at the Branch and Local Level and it was decided the minutes would serve as the written update.

4) Calendar of Events

Kim went through the Region’s calendar of events pointing out that our 2019 bookings are in the process of being finalized. The September 2019 booking for Cape Breton, NS will require the preparation of the business case for submission to the EC as it is a two day meeting. It was also noted that the Executive would like to submit a business case for a two day meeting for their September 2018 meeting.

Kim and Catherine prepare a business case for a two day Executive meeting for September 2019 in Cape Breton and submit it to the EC for approval.

Kim and Catherine prepare a business case for a two day Executive meeting for September 2018 in Miramichi and submit it to the EC for approval.

5) Hot Topics

Phoenix: Kim gave an update on Phoenix. Discussion ensued on the new collective agreement clause for union leave and how it would roll out. There will be a few kinks on both the employer and the union side as this process takes effect.

New Brunswick Pension Campaign:  Mike reported that NB Pension Campaign had their initial meeting. Steve Hindle, Greg Scriver, Eric Boucher, Marion MacEachern and Mike as well as the actuary from Eckler (Phillipe Laplante) and Isabelle Roy. The purpose of the education campaign is to demonstrate to PIPSC membership and the public the potential losses in the new plan vs the old plan. The loss is astounding. Our purpose is an education campaign to inform all civil servants what could potentially happen provincially and eventually federally in relation to pensions. We intend to have real time examples. Although it is moving forward, Kim and Mike will continue to push and try to create momentum.

Water Bottles – Marcel provided an example of a previous Atlantic water bottle which had a larger PIPSC Atlantic Logo and larger PIPSC Logo on the other side. It was agreed that this combination provided better visibility and going forward we would use this layout.

6) Balancing Union Activity and Family Life Policy Review

To ensure all Executive members understand the Balancing Union Activity and Family Life Policy, Scott gave an informative presentation accompanied by a handout prepared by Catherine to assist in the clarification of the policy.

7) Regional Executive Goals – Follow up and Review

Kim reviewed the Goals that were set for 2017/2018 and proceeded to review the associated action items so nothing gets overlooked.

Goal #1: Profile a Branch/Provincial Group each year at the ARC and follow up with an Article on the Constituent Body in the Atlantic Newsletter.

Kim explained the Executive was actioned to prepare an outline for the Branches/Provincial Groups that will be featured at future ARC’s. Time permitting, Kim suggested we work on this later in today’s agenda.

Michael noted we should remind constituent bodies they should be taking pictures at events to use in their profiles.

Goal #2: Increase Lunch and Learns and to do this we need to add a new presentation decks and get the word out to the constitute bodies that there are funds available for Lunch and Learns.

Marcel asked if presentations on the Employee Wellness Plan would be considered appropriate Lunch and Learn topics. ???? ANSWER?????

Kim reported that if your request for a Lunch and Learn is within the region then it should be directed to Carolyn in her capacity as Training Committee Chairperson. If it should be covered under Better Together it gets routed through the Regional Director or to Better Together at bettertogether

Marcel noted the Greenwood Branch sponsored a movie and it was covered under Better Together as it was a function that facilitated engagement of members in the Branch.  He also stated that there is Nix Phoenix, Train the Trainer sessions taking place across the country with the objective that the trained trainers will be available to give the presentations in their respective regions.

Goal #3: Enhance and promote our two current awards in Atlantic – Executive of the Year and Steward of the Year.

Michael spoke to the importance of recognizing those stewards and elected officials in the region who devote time to serving the membership.

Marilyn asked that the list of previous award recipients be sent to the Regional Executive.

Catherine send a list of the previous Steward and Executive of the Year award winners to the Regional Executive.

The Executive discussed what should be done with nominees who were not selected the previous year and should the nominators be contacted to see if they would like to resubmit.

Awards committee for both Steward and Executive of the Year, contact the nominators from the previous year and ask if they would like to resubmit their nomination.

Several other items resulted from the September working group exercise and were referred to the respective sub committees for follow up. Specifically the item to increase communications between Regional Executive and Branch and Provincial Group Presidents, it was suggested that this should be brought to the Branch and Provincial Group Presidents meetings.

Catherine add communications between the Regional Executive and Branch and Provincial Group Presidents to the Branch and Provincial Group Presidents meetings.

8) New Business

  1. Atlantic Young Professional Committee (AYPC) Observer at Regional Executive Meetings: Discussion ensued on the benefits of having an AYPC observer at Regional Executive meetings if we are meeting in a city where one of the committee members reside. It was agreed we should be inviting them if we are meeting in their city and this would be in addition to an observer from the respective branch. As the AYPC currently meets in conjunction with the ARC and Steward Council, it would mean invitations to four other meetings.

    ACTION: Catherine send invite for observer to AYPC when we are meeting in a city where a member resides.
  2. Regional Executive Meet and Greets: Discussion took place on the low turnout for the Friday Meet and Greet with the Saint John Branch members. The Executive explored how they could promote these events and bring the invitation to the member’s attention and increase turnout.  Catherine noted the notice gets sent to all members of the Branch and is posted on the PIPSC website. Marilyn suggested a more hands on approach and make personal contact with members in the Branch. The consensus was it is time to try something different and all agreed a more personal approach might be worth trying.

    ACTION: Catherine send the Executive a list of the contact information for the stewards in the Branch we are hosting the meeting and greet for.  Executive members who reside in the city of the meeting where possible contact the Stewards by phone to promote the event.
  3. Mayworks: Scott reported that the Mayworks event is coming up. For those who weren’t familiar with Mayworks, Scott explained that the Fredericton District Labour Council brings the labour movement, through the Arts community, to the public with this weeklong event. The Fredericton Branch’s participation helps the profile of the union movement. The Fredericton Branch has been strong supporter of this event and in the past the Regional Executive has contributed $500.

    Motion #3: Cathy moved and Scott seconded that the Atlantic Regional Executive contribute $500 in support of Mayworks.

    Marilyn noted that if anyone knows of an equivalent event in their city, they are free to bring the event to the Executive for consideration.
  4. Virtual Binder: Kim reminded the Executive we have a virtual binder on the PIPSC Portal currently not being used for posting of Executive meeting materials.  Following a brief discussion, which centered on the need to have reports and materials submitted in advance in order to permit the administrative process require to post, it was decided the Executive would not use the virtual binder at this time.
  5. Finance Committee Review of Policy on Constituent Body Finances: Marilyn reported that at the Finance Committee meeting this week, committee members reviewed the maximums in the Constituent Body Finance Policy and noting where amounts were proposed for increase. She reviewed some of the proposed changes for the policy and asked that the Executive forward and recommendations they may have.

    ACTION: Executive send Marilyn any suggestions for changes or amendments to the Constituent Body Finance Policy.

    Marilyn also reported that the PIPSC Pension plan is in a good position. Currently there is a restriction on 1 million in the plan, however, a proposal is going to the Board to un-restrict this amount.

9) Regional Director’s Report

Kim tabled her report and then provided an overview of the special general meeting and its outcome.  The result of the SGM was the NCR motion to remove Peter Taticek was defeated.

At the most recent Board meeting a motion was passed that BOD members cannot report on activities of the meeting until the meeting is adjourned.  Discussion ensued on the state of the Board.  Kim asked if there was something the region could bring forward to try and improve the Board’s ability to deal with the business of the Institute.  Kim reported that the new travel portal should be in effect this summer.

Kim tabled the Atlantic Young Professional Committee report. Marilyn noted that the submitters name should be contained on the report.  Phil inquired where the funding for the outreach event would come from. Kim explained that although the AYPC have a budget, requests to use the funds must be approved by the Regional Executive. Kim relayed their proposed budget request for the outreach event in conjunction with the ARC in Moncton - $600 based on 30 participants.

Motion #4: Phil moved and Carolyn seconded that the Regional Executive approve the Atlantic Young Professional Committee’s request to hold and outreach event in conjunction with the 75th ARC.

Kim presented the AYPC’s swag request for 50 Water Bottles.

Motion #5: Phil moved and Marilyn seconded that the Regional Executive approve the Atlantic Young Professional Committee’s request to purchase 50 water bottles.

ACTION: Catherine place an order for 50 H2O bottles branded with the AYPC logo. Increase the size of the logo and add the PIPSC logo on the opposite side.

Motion #6: Phil moved and Mike seconded that the Atlantic Regional Director’s Report be accepted as presented.

10) Training Committee Report

Carolyn tabled the Training Committee (TEC) Report and reviewed the highlights.  Carolyn reported that TEC has been asked to provide feedback on Steward Renewals and the process and to look at what purpose does the renewal process serve. The Executive discussed the process and how it could be modified. It was suggested it could be a simple as opt in or opt out with an affirmation that you commit to the duties of a Steward.  It was suggested that perhaps the renewal process should be extended to every four years.

Motion #7: Carolyn moved and Cathy seconded that the Atlantic Regional Training Committee Chairperson’s Report be accepted as presented.

11) Regional Executive Finances

Phil tabled the income and cash flow statements. He referred the Executive to the draft Executive budget document Phil noted he will have the Regional Financials reviewed by an independent third party this year in advance of the 75th ARC.  

ACTION: Phil remove the figure for the two day meeting from the Regional Executive budget.

Motion #8: Gerry moved and Cathy seconded that Catherine obtain a quote for the TUIF T-shirts for participant gifts at the Steward Council.

ACTION: Catherine to reach out to both the DND and Halifax Branches regarding the amount of their commitment to Seasonal School.

Motion #9: Phil moved and Michael seconded that the Atlantic Regional Finance Report be accepted as presented.

12) 75th Atlantic Regional Council

  1. Hospitality: Kim reported that we have contracted Glow Promotions to facilitate a BINGO on Friday in Moncton as the Hospitality Event in conjunction with the ARC.  It was agreed the Executive would provide 10 prizes for the 10 games of BINGO.

    ACTION: Kim approach Service Plus for a prize for BINGO at the ARC.

    ACTION: Catherine approach the Delta Beauséjour for a prize for BINGO at the ARC.

    Motion #10: Carolyn moved and Phil seconded that the Atlantic Regional Executive provide $1000 for prizes for the ARC Hospitality event.

    Discussion ensued on the motion. Scott and Marcel spoke against the motion stating the amount is too high.

    Amendment: Marilyn amended the amount in the motion to $500 with no opposition.
  2. ARC Rally Update:  Not much to report other than the food bank has requested canned meats.
  3. ARC Agenda: Mike requested time on the ARC agenda to make a short presentation on  the NB Pension Campaign. It was agreed to add NB Pension Campaign Update after the Regional Manager’s report. Mike will prepare a short presentation and provide it to Catherine for translation.

    ACTION: Mike prepare a presentation for the ARC on the NB Pension Campaign and get it to Catherine for translation.
  4. 75th ARC Resolutions: Scott reported that currently the Executive has four resolutions going forward at the ARC. Kim inquired if the Executive has considered whether there were any others they may wish to bring to the ARC. The Executive decided to draft a resolution to direct the Board to develop a progressive discipline code and to have this ready for the ARC.

    ACTION: Resolutions Sub Committee draft a resolution directing the Board to develop a progressive discipline code. Have this resolution ready by April 13 to have it translated and included in the ARC meeting package.
  5. Profile Form for Provincial Group and Branches:
    • Make-up/Demographics of constituent body i.e. groups and classifications
    • Geography
    • Size
    • Provincial vs Federal members
    • RANDS
    • Workplaces where members are located
    • Events and activities held
    • Introduce Executive maybe by a picture
    • History of the Constituent body
    • Outreach – engagement with other groups in your area
    • Past scholarship recipients

ACTION: Branch Liaison Committee prepare an outline for the Branch and Provincial Groups to use when preparing to profile their constituent body.

13) National Committee Reports

Kim table reports from By-Laws and Policy, Human Rights in the Workplace, Training and Education, PRQ and Finance.

Motion #11: Carolyn  moved and Gerry seconded that the National Committee Reports be accepted as presented.

14) Round Table and Adjournment

Following a round table the meeting was adjourned.

Motion #12: Phil moved and Cathy seconded that the Atlantic Regional Executive meeting be adjourned.

NOTE: Should you wish to view copies of reports presented at this meeting, please direct your request to