April 5, 2024 - 9 am to 5 pm ET
Delta Ottawa City Centre, Chaudìere Room

Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Tamara Critch, Patricia Williamson, Karim, Robert Seguin, Denis, Rob Scott, Stephane Aubry, Gord Bulmer, Lucille Shears, Jordan Loverock, Matt Vanner (Observer)

Regrets: Yvonne Snaddon

Agenda/Ordre du jour

1) Welcome / Bienvenue

2) Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de l'ordre du jour

       Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Pierre Touchette


3) Approval of Minutes of Last meeting / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière réunion

03 February 2024 / 03 fevrier 2024

        Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Lucille Shears


4) Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Affaires découlant du procès-verbal/Points daction

i)  ACTION: Yvonne to invite Craig Bradley to next IT Executive meeting to discuss SSC’s new Cloud responsibilities

ii) ACTION: Yvonne to have SSC’s new Cloud responsibilities added to next WGC agenda

5) Standing Items / Points permanents

a)  Bargaining Update / Mise à jour sur les négociations (Rob & JP)

i)   Tracking implementation of Collective Agreement is ongoing

ii)  Bargaining Post-Mortem meeting was held on April 4 consisting of IT Exec and Bargaining team

iii) Training Fund Ad-hoc Committee has been created and meetings are ongoing for future plans for the fund. Committee members are:

(1) Rob Scott

(2) Robert Seguin

(3) Gordon Bulmer

(4) Tamara Critch

(5) Pierre Touchette

(6) Matt Vanner

(7) Others are brought in from PIPSC as needed for their expertise

b)  Strategic Planning Update & Review / Mise à jour et examen de la planification stratégique (Stan)

i)  Stan suggested using half of the May 13 IT Exec meeting to do a significant review of Strategic Planning work to date prior to next Strategic Planning meeting in August

c)  Visibility / visibilité (Pierre)

i)   Inventory has been completed

ii)  Visibility items will be given to subgroup presidents at the Subgroup Presidents meeting for each member as well as extras to be taken back to their respective subgroups

iii) Items will also be given out at the IT AGM

d) Return to Office / Retour au bureau (All)

i)  Consultation committees at each department will be members of telework review panels which will perform a review of the directive on telework

ii) Review of directive on telework

(1) PIPSC committee has been formed

(2) Goals to be included in updated directive on telework:

(a) Work and telework aren’t separate things

(b) Check policy for bias for telework vs in office work

(c) Recourse method

(d) Managers have to check for bias in the way they operate against teleworkers                                                        

6) New Business / Nouvelles affaires

a. ACFO Training Fund (Joe Boughner - 10:00 am)

i. Joe Boughner of ACFO presented on how ACFO operates their training fund and answered questions from the IT Exec

b. Sub-group Presidents Meeting (Lucille)

i.  The agenda of the Subgroup Presidents meeting was reviewed

ii. ACTION: Lucille to have French corrected and clarify the rooms for the meeting and meals

Motion: Create an ad-hoc committee consisting of NCR members to develop a proposal to bring to PIPSC for a trial subgroup in the NCR made up of members organized by their preferred address.

Moved by: Lucille Shears                                              Seconded by: Pierre Touchette


Motion: Approve expenditure of up to $1200 for one drink ticket per delegate of the Subgroup Presidents dinner

Moved by: Stan Buday                                                   Seconded by: Deb Butler


c. IT AGM (Patricia)

i.  Resolutions

1. Need to be received by April 19

ii.  Delegate Selection

1. Will divide up and send to exec to pick delegates and alternates soon

2. 98 members plus 13 executives

iii. Invitation to AFS President

1. ACTION: Stan will invite AFS Group President Doug Mason

2. ACTION: Stan will invite PIPSC President Carr

iv. Lobbying Training

1. Discussion on lobbying strategy and training and the need to develop a lobbying package with key issues and facts

d.  IT Strategic Planning - August 2024 (Patricia)

i. ACTION: Tamara to send strategic planning locations list to Elizabeth for her to look into which one would be the best for the meeting

ii. Half of the May 13 IT Exec meeting will be devoted to Strategic Planning review

e. COAT Strategic Planning Update (Yvonne)

i. Nil - Yvonne was absent

f. Awards (Tamara)

Motion: Move to a closed session

Moved by: Tamara Critch                                                             Seconded by: Karim Chaggani


Motion: End closed session

Moved by: Tamara Critch                                                             Seconded by: Gord Bulmer


g. Interdepartmental Joint Consultation Committee (IJCC) (Stan)

i. Members of IT Exec and Bargaining team will participate in IJCC which is made up of PIPSC and TB representatives for administering training fund

h. Training Fund (Rob)

i.   No concrete decisions on how to use fund

ii.  Communiqué will come soon

iii. Money is in place as of April 2024

iv. FTE will be hired to administer training fund at PIPSC

i. Composition of Bargaining Team

i. Should all members of the IT Executive also be members of the bargaining team? (Rob)

1. Delayed to next meeting

  1. Reports/Activities dexecutive

 (Please file in the Executive Reports sub-directory / A déposer dans le sous-répertoire des rapports exécutifs )

a. President /Président (Stan)

b. Vice-President/Vice-président (Pierre)

c. Treasurer/Trésorier (Deb)

d. Steering Committee & Secretary/Comité directeur et Secrétaire (Jordan)

e. Bargaining / Négociations (Rob/JP)

f. NOC/ROC- Mobilization / CNO/ROC- Mobilisation (Gordon)                          

g. Communications (Tamara)

h. Subgroup Officer/Agent de sous groupe  (Lucille)

i. Steward Officer / Agent de délégués syndicaux (Tamara)

j. Membership Officer / Agente de membership (Patricia)

k. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer / Agente des relations de travail et de consultation et Agente chargée de la sous-traitance  (Yvonne)

l. ITYPC (Jordan/Karim)

8) Other business & Roundtable / Autres affaires et table ronde

a. Deb Butler is in need of a new laptop and PIPSC will provide one for her role as treasurer

9) Next meeting / Prochaine réunion: May 13

10) Adjournment / Ajournement