Progress Made, but the NJC Dental Plan is Still Second Fiddle in TBS's Eyes

The National Joint Council bargaining agents have concluded discussions with the Treasury Board regarding the long-awaited review of its public service dental care plan. While we welcome the upcoming changes set to take effect on January 1st, 2025 and thank the Treasury Board for their receptiveness to bring in some major improvement, we are disappointed to see they continue to treat this plan as an afterthought and imposed a plan without the sign off of Bargaining Agents.

The revised dental care plan does include several enhancements that will benefit public service employees and their families. These changes are the result of sustained advocacy led by PIPSC with our partners from other federal unions.  The major changes speak to the importance of union representation in ensuring fair and meaningful improvements for our members. We are encouraged by these developments and recognize the positive impact they will have on dental care access and affordability for public servants, but disappointed in how the process was managed.

It is incredibly disheartening to see the Treasury Board’s continued reluctance to treat the NJC plan as a priority. Despite the value and significance of this plan to thousands of public service workers, it remains evident that the Treasury Board regards the NJC dental care plan as a secondary matter to the PSAC plan - a plan negotiated through collective bargaining rather than consultation. This second-tier status undermines the importance of a benefits program that is fundamental to employee well-being and morale.

As we move forward, PIPSC and the NJC will continue to monitor the implementation of the new plan and hold the Treasury Board accountable for its responsibilities to public service employees. 

While we celebrate the improvements secured through our efforts, we remain steadfast in our commitment to advocating for fair and comprehensive benefits for all public service workers, and equal treatment of benefit plans.