FAQ Job content/Evaluation/Classification

Currently, legislation prevents the negotiation of the classification process leading to identifying groups (e.g., BI vs PC) and levels (e.g., BI-3).

Your Bargaining Team negotiates the rate of pay for each classification level within the SP group. Pay increases could take the form of, for example, economic increase (cost of living), market adjustment increases or re-structuration.

In the Public Service, job evaluation is the process of analyzing a given position by evaluating its duties and responsibilities. The work description is evaluated in the context of the organizational structure, and not the performance, background or abilities of the individual(s) performing the assigned work. In other words, responsibilities, skills and knowledge required to perform the work are evaluated, not the person performing the work.

The job evaluation is done in light of the criteria established in the classification standards and other documentation. An accredited classification officer performs the job evaluation. The results will determine the classification level.

Changes in your job description (getting a better rating) will not automatically lead to a change of your job ranking or impact your classification.

A job content grievance is a written complaint by an employee regarding the completeness and accuracy of their statement of duties (job description).

A classification grievance is a written complaint by an employee regarding the group, level and/or rating assigned to their job confirmed in an Employer’s classification decision as provided to the employee.

Please note the following time limits to present a grievance:

  • An employee must present a job content grievance no later than the 25th working day after the date they feel aggrieved by the interpretation or application of the provisions of the collective agreement related to “Statement of Duties.”
  • An employee must present a classification grievance no later than 35 calendar days from the date they have been notified by the Employer that a classification action has been taken affecting the position they occupy.

Better together!

February 2019