In accordance with article 9.1.1 of the NUREG Constitution and By-Laws, the NUREG Executive has selected the bargaining team from a list of 20 volunteers who responded to the call for volunteers that was made on November 15, 2021. 

We were impressed by the number of volunteers who came forward and very much appreciate everyone for volunteering for the bargaining team. We are pleased to have a very diverse team and can assure each of you who volunteered that we will do our best to represent the interests of all of our members. As always, we are one for all and all for one and will work hard to achieve the best possible outcome for as many of our members as possible.     


Your Bargaining Team:

Harold Marcotte

Kathleen Ferreira

Rajesh Garg

Corie Houldsworth

Kwaku Agyei

Jennie Esnard

Claudia Bell

Rachelle Millaire


In Solidarity,

Harold Marcotte

NUREG President