On December 19, 2023, the federal government announced that they are postponing the IRAP transition to the Canada Innovation Corporation (CIC) until 2026–2027.

When PIPSC RO/RCO consultation leaders met with the NRC, we were told that all transition teams would be wrapping up their work and pausing further efforts.

Prior to the December announcement, PIPSC was ramping up efforts to prepare for the transition. Dedicated staff resources were committed, and an internal working group was organized, led by IRAP ITA Patricia Loder, following a call for interest by the PIPSC President in November 2023.

The work undertaken by PIPSC and the working group included reviewing legislative requirements around successor rights for bargaining agents, the transfer of personnel files, severance, service time, associated leave provisions, and policies and working conditions at CIC.

In light of the announcement, PIPSC will also be slowing down our efforts. However, our IRAP working group will continue to meet to prepare for the transition. We’ll ensure that we’re ready to engage in the complex issues once key CIC pieces, including the CIC CEO and Board chair, are in place.

What does this mean for IRAP RCOs?

  • The current collective agreement expired in July 2022. Once the new collective agreement is signed, it will apply to all NRC ROs and RCOs, including our IRAP members, until it expires in 2026.
  • The existing promotion process for non-research RCOs has not changed. We would like to point out that success rates at the Human Resources Promotion Committee (HRPC) for non-research RCOs are high, so we encourage those who are eligible to take the time to prepare and submit their promotion cases.

There is still ample opportunity for IRAP members to get involved and represent IRAP interests as stewards, executive members, consultation participants and future bargaining team members.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with your comments and questions at rorco@pipsc.ca. Also please note that we have a quick reference of contacts and frequently asked questions on our webpage quick links (https://pipsc.ca/groups/nrc-ro-rco).

In solidarity,

Laurel O’Connor
President, NRC RO/RCO Group