21 July 2017
The Bargaining Team hosted an information session on July 12 at the St. Elias Center in Ottawa and on July 13 at the Delta City Centre in Ottawa. We can’t express enough how pleased we were at the record amount of participation we had.
20 July 2017
Fellow Members,
Following the announcement of our tentative agreement we felt it was necessary to provide you with the attached additional information to ensure you can evaluate all the positive gains against the mandatory payout of our severance and reduction to our DIP properly.
20 July 2017
The Bargaining Team met on Wednesday July 5, 2017 to consider a Memorandum of Settlement that was offered by the company. Your Bargaining team and Group Executive agreed to unanimously recommend the acceptance of the settlement.
16 June 2017
Your bargaining team met in a smaller group with management on June 5 and 6 in hopes of agreeing on a tentative settlement. We continued talks on Monday June 12 and the parties are continuing efforts to conclude bargaining.
1 June 2017
The PIPSC NAV CANADA Group Bargaining Team was in meetings with the company from April 24-28, 2017. The parties continued discussions on numerous items and agreed on multiple non-monetary items. Negotiations between the parties is scheduled to continue from May 08 to 12, 2017.
26 May 2017
At the close of nominations on March 31st, 2017, the NAV Canada Election Committee had received seven valid nominations for three member-at-large positions on the NAV Executive.
25 May 2017
The PIPSC NAV CANADA Group Bargaining Team was in meetings with the company from May 8-11, 2017. On Friday May 12, 2017 our team worked in closed meetings on our bargaining priorities. The parties continued discussions on numerous items and positive progress was made.
21 March 2017
These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Group organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations.