CS Executive Meeting,

1 April, 2019

Draft Minutes


  1. Welcome

Stan thanked Rob for his work on the Subgroup President’s meeting.  And he also let it be known that the event went very well with no complaints.

  1. Adoption of Agenda Moved by Stacy, Second by Robert Carried as amended

Added tech change and training to the agenda.

  1. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting(s). Moved by Stacy, Second by Deb  Carried


  1. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items

Action items were gone through.

Yvonne and Stacy to work with Denise and Doug Mason for the Friday night event.

Discussion on action item about a full-time president liberated from their department. It was deferred to the strategic planning meeting for further discussion. Moved by Guy second by Deb Motion to defer for an hour’s discussion a full-time president discussion to the strategic planning meeting, with documentation being forwarded to the executive at least two weeks prior to the meeting.  Carried as amended.

Action item:  Stan to provide information for this discussion.  


Motion that a second day be added to the strategic planning to be covered by the CS Group at a cost of approximately $10K. Moved by Deb second by Rob.  Carried


  1. New business
    1. CS AGM
      1. Delegate lists  

The spreadsheet of registered delegates for the CS AGM.  The lists have been separated by regions.  Regional Reps are asked to rank their delegates on the tab for that region.

      1. Speaker for the AGM

Manitoba Federation of Labour and a professional in IT were suggested.  

Kevin Rebeck(Manitoba Federation of Labour) was suggested by Denise

      1. Tentative agenda

            Promo items – Purchased laptop bags for promotional items.

      1. Hospitality/Networking

One networking room in the hotel and that the intention is to share that with the AFS and CFIA.  The intention of the CS group executive is for the Saturday night only

Another cake for the AGM  

have a meeting of 50th anniversary committee and have suggestions to the committee


    1. Draws

At our meeting in dec we made motion to purchase promo items (backpacks) for draws for subgroups.

    1. EWSP- Bargaining
    2. CS mobile App

    Did we have anyone to maintain and keep up the CS mobile app as Guy will not be running again.  Deferred to Strategic meeting but Tony will control this app in the mean time.

    1. CS Group Resolutions and bylaw changes

Lisa Chau to be contacted about clarifying her intent with her resolution. ACTION item:  Pierre Deadline for action item: April 20th

    1. 50th year

Discussion of having a table at the PIPSC AGM for the CS Group’s 50th anniversary.  Stacy to lead on this with the committee and Lucille kindly offered to help as well.

    1. Promo items
    2. DPI PDW - Professional Development Week.

Since we no longer have a GTEC, do we want to have any executive attend this event  The week after May 24 weekend. Try to apply through employer first.

Costs to be looked into.  Suggested that we put a submission to PIPSC for funds for sending people to this event. Stan will put a request for full funding for 4 passes and travel costs.

ACTION ITEM:  Stan to prepare the message(business case) to PIPSC for this request. Deadline for this is before April 12.

    1. Public Service Employee survey

Just a heads up that the PSES was contracted out by TBS and that the PSES is not under STATs anymore and it was discovered that all the data resides with TBS.  They have the ability to drill down to try to find out who said what on the survey. There is a concern with data not being secured.

This should be brought up to Debi Daviau who has  higher power to discuss this situation and gain assurances that the information will not be abused.  Action item Tony to summarize the meeting and send to Debi Daviau Deadline is April 20.

    1. Tech Change / Training Work

The COAT does not register the tech change to trigger action with the COAP.  We should be delegating someone who should be watching this and triggering action.

Survey to be going out to members if they have their one opportunity for career development.  A group similar to the COAT be created to action this.

Interest for someone to take this over? Lucille and Deb have expressed interest in working on this and Yvonne and Karim would be interested in helping with the fleshing out of this tech change oversight.

Team to report to the next meeting.

    1. Date for Strategic meeting

Discussion of when to have the strategic meeting.  MOtion to have the exec and strategic planning. meeting 22 to 24 August

    1. Information sessions in Winnipeg around Exec meeting of CS AGM.

Pierre intends to have info sessions on the Thursday and be coordinating sessions with volunteers that could be available to give the presentations.


  1. Executive reports/Activities d’executive
    1. President (Stan)
    2. Vice-President (Pierre)
    3. Treasurer / Trésorière (Deb)
      1. budget
    4. Steering Committee/Secretary
    5. Bargaining / Negotiations
      • CS Table(Robert/Denise)
      1. Central Bargaining Table (Rob)
      2. RCMP Table (Pierre)
      3. EWSP (Eva)
      4. SBC (Stan/Robert)
      5. Essential Services (Pierre)
    1. NOC/ROC & Mobilization (Pierre)
    2. Communications (Tony)
      • Welcome pamphlet (Robert/ Denise)
    3. Subgroup officer (Rob)
    4. Steward officer (Guy)
    5. Membership Officer (Stacy)
    6. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Dean)
    7. Classification (Pierre)
    8. Contracting out Officer (Eva)
    9. Elections Committee (Guy)


  1. Other business/Round table
  2. Next meeting