Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Robert Tellier, Eva Henshaw, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Gordon Bulmer


Staff: Jean-Paul Leduc



1. Welcome

Stan called the meeting to order at 1:07 and welcomed the exec to the meeting.

2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved by Gordon seconded by Eva - carried

3. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting(s).

Moved by Stacy seconded by Yvonne - carried

4. Business Arising from the minute

  1. Bargaining update - Rob gave an update on what happend at the last SBC. Topics included the NJC review, isolated post policy, EWSP comms plan, and some outstanding MOA’s from the central table.  Was a large agenda and another meeting very soon to review the bargaining post mortem.  Had a very lengthy discussion on process and timelines and central table issues etc etc.  


  1. New group website - Tony gave an update on the website. Exec page updated.  DND contracting out report posted.  About 48 hundred views of the page so far. 


  1. PIPSC AGM resumption - Stacy will be sending out email this week for pre meeting for our delegates.  PT will set up a slack chat room for our delegates.

5. New business

  1. CS Elections - Rob provided an update on the current number of candidates and the process at this point.
  2. CS AGM -
    1. Date review - June 12th which is Saturday but we could move it to Friday or Monday.  A very in depth discussion was held on the various options and pros and cons.  Voted to hold AGM on Monday from about 10 to 4 full agenda forthcoming.
    2. Length - 10-4
    3. Agenda - Stacy is working on it  - suggested items provided by the exec members
  3. Planning  Review - reviewed the action item document and selected standing agenda items.  Officers should reference planning items in ongoing reports.  Stan asked for help addressing the comms with PIPSC (Eva, Yvonne, Tony volunteered)
  4. Newsletter - Tony gave an update on the current status 
  5. CLC - Stan gave a short update

6. Executive reports/Activities d’executive

A. President (Stan) - short verbal report on the presidents activities

b. Vice-President (Pierre) - short verbal report on exclusions

c. Treasurer / Trésorière (Deb) - short verbal

d. Steering Committee/Secretary - no

e. Bargaining / Negotiations (Rob) - see above

f. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Pierre) - no

g. Communications (Tony) - see above

h. Subgroup officer (Lucille) - on the google

i. Steward officer (Patricia) - short verbal report issues with renewals

j. Membership Officer (Stacy) - message to rands in the works

k. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Yvonne) -  short verbal report

l. Classification (Karim/Lucille) - no

m. Contracting out Officer (Eva) - on the google


7. Other business/Roundtable


8. Next meeting

  • April 13 1-5 2021




Discussion on observers at the virtual AGM and if we should upgrade them to full delegate status - for Stacy

For gordon add Mothership issues as a standing item