January 10 2020 / 9:00 am / Hilton


Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Robert Tellier, Eva Henshaw, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Gordon Bulmer


Staff:  Denise Doherty Delorme


1. Welcome

Stan called the meeting to order at 9 and welcomed the entire exec to the meeting. 

2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved by Gordon seconded by Pat carried

3. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting(s).

Moved by Gordon seconded by Deb carried

4. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items

  1. Welcome pamphlet for new CS members (Stacy/Yvonne)

Draft has been completed and out for review for final formatting, some changes need to be sent to Bruno for the final edit.

  1. Yvonne- action item to follow up with consultation presidents re essential services

Final update at the next WGC



5. New business

  1. Working with PIPSC IT/Communications - Tony

GRRRRRR Tony started - The changes made to recent publications have been problematic and the response from communications was not helpful.  A general discussion was held around the table.  Is it time for the Group to relook at having our own web site again?  Stan has a meeting with communications to discuss the various issues.

  1. CS Anniversary Backpack Winners - Tony

Tony has sent out a list to each of the regional reps for who has or has not received a backpack yet.  Tony has not received any information back yet.  19 backpacks are outstanding.

  1. CS Subgroup Presidents Meeting - Rob - February 22nd

Rob is looking for items for the Agenda, a general discussion of topics was held.

  1. Discussion on training overview by Richard Gaboton from Education Section - Pierre

Richard passed out a handout on a new course on mobilization that he is looking to pilot. Set as a day and a half 2 day session.  Based on the adult learning model.  An outline of the session was presented.

  1. COAP

Eva gave an update on the recent meeting of the COAP and the work plans for 2020, we are at 840 grievances at this point.  Eva detailed a number of action items the COAP is looking to engage in this year.  A detailed plan will be developed and the support of PIPSC will be sought for the plan as required.

  1. Budget review

Deb brought forward a number of budget line items that we are over and that need reapproval by the Group Executive.

  • Visibility 15k budgeted we spent 36K
  • Sub-groups and stewards - line 62 budget was 6k we spent 8.5K
  • Bargaining 1k budgeted we spent 2.3k

Moved by Deb seconded by Prierre to acknowledge these three overages in the 2019 budget discussed - carried


  1. Visibility Items

Pierre gave an overview of what we have on hand.  An open discussion followed with ideas of items and timing of when to give out what.  New t-shirt discussed


6. Executive reports/Activities d’executive

a. President (Stan) - tabled reports on the google drive

b. Vice-President (Pierre)

c. Treasurer / Trésorière (Deb)

d. Steering Committee/Secretary

e. Bargaining / Negotiations (Robert/Denise) we have our lead for the PIC, we are now looking for a president selected by both sides.  Final date of the PIC is still up in the air.

f. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Pierre) - report from the NOC meeting yesterday will be sent to the Executive for review when completed. A large number of documents will be added to the google drive please review before the next Executive meeting.  A detailed process on how to book info sessions etc will be forthcoming.

g. Communications (Tony)

h. Subgroup officer (Rob)

i. Steward officer (Patricia)

j. Membership Officer (Stacy)

k. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Yvonne)

l. Classification (Karim/Lucille) - Lucille gave an update on where we are on the classification a summary document will be loaded to the google drive.  Advance notice to CS members to all departments in October 2020, Official notice in December 2020 - DND might be doing something different. 

m. Contracting out Officer (Eva) -

7. Other business/Roundtable

  1. Steward engagement and renewal - a round table discussion on the role and renewal of stewards.  Send out a reminder to all CS stewards of their role with regard to bargaining and the PIC.

8. Next meeting Feb 19, training 20-21 Sub-group 22




  • Karim to look into a better licence agreement for Word for the members of the Exec
  • Backpacks delivered (all regions)
  • Develop steward activity report card for use at regional steward councils