April 14 2020 / 1:00 pm / by phone and JoinMe


Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Robert Tellier, Eva Henshaw, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Gordon Bulmer


Staff:  Denise Doherty Delorme


1. Welcome

Stan called the meeting to order at 1:00 and welcomed the entire exec to the meeting. 

2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved by Gordon seconded by Tony carried

3. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting(s).

Moved by Gordon seconded by Pat carried

4. Business Arising from the minutes


  1. Backpacks delivered (all regions) - NCR is completed
  2. Content of CS web page as item for the planning meeting
  3. Pat to send links for welcome sheet and the collective agreement cheat sheet - ongoing last comments to Pat before next meeting in two weeks

5. New business

  1. PIPSC Communication - CS update letter was questioned by communications.  The current situation is making it hard for the groups to get information out to our members. Stan is still pushing to get the letter out sooner rather than later.  We are looking at engaging the NOR ROC to distribute information to the members via the sub group presidents. Tony is going to look into what is required to update the group website.  Concern was expressed by a number of exec members about the oversight of PIPSC communications and veto of our message to our members.
  2. Secretary Expense - Moved by Gordon Seconded by Stacy to cover the new laptop for the secretary -  discussed - Carried (expense of $1038.71)

6. Executive reports/Activities d’executive

Untabled from March 31 meeting reports on the google drive as noted

a. President (Stan) -  Report on the Google

b. Vice-President (Pierre) - Nill report

c. Treasurer / Trésorière (Deb) - Deadline for budget changes is the next meeting

d. Steering Committee/Secretary - nill

e. Bargaining / Negotiations (Robert/Denise) - short discussion of the recent communications from TB - CS Bytes 13 is out for comments and should be published soon.

f. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Pierre) - plans being made and show your colors in isolation.  Preparing for calls to start soon.

g. Communications (Tony) - report being drafted now and will be available on the google drive.

h. Subgroup officer (Rob) - Suggested that an email distribution list for the CS Subgroup presidents be created.  The Sydney CS sub group has been approved. 

i. Steward officer (Patricia) - Working on a CS Survey for Stewards as well there is not a lot of activity with new steward renewals or changes because of the Pandemic

j. Membership Officer (Stacy) - looking for CS AGM Date and national AGM update soon

k. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Yvonne) - Nill

l. Classification (Karim/Lucille) - report on the drive

m. Contracting out Officer (Eva) - current grace period will be reviewed soon

7. Other business/Roundtable


8. Next meeting

  • Executive meeting April 28 1-4pm central time every two weeks




  • Stan to discuss coms issue with staff and Debi