The Grand Hotel and Suites 225 rue Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON


Breakfast   8 h

1. Call to order / Moment of silence   9 h

2. Approval of rules of procedure (PIPSC Procedures)

3. Approval of agenda

4. Opening remarks

5. Approval of the 2017 AGM minutes

6. Business arising from the minutes

7. CS Group 50th Anniversary Launch

8. Contracting Out by Eva Henshaw

Break 10 h 15

9. Guest Speaker 10 h 30

Lunch and check-out time 11 h 45

10. Presidents Address by Steve Hindle 13 h 00

11. Elections reports by Guy Abel

12. Bargaining Update by Robert Tellier and Denise Doherty

Break 15 H

13. By-Laws and Resolutions by Pierre Touchette 15 h 15

13.1 4.11 Meetings of the Executive

14. NOC/ROC report by Pierre, Stacey and Gordon

15. Financial Statement & Budget by Deborah Butler

16. Executive reports / Rapports de l’Exécutif

16.1 Stewards Officer Report

16.2 CS Annual Membership Officer Report 2018

16.3 CS Classification update

16.4 Sub-group Officer Report

16.5 CS Group President Stan Buday

17. New Business

18. List of Delegates, Invited Guests, Observers and PIPSC Staff

19. Expense Claim Information and Forms

20. Closing remarks 17 h
