As we navigate through these unprecedented times of high inflation and soaring interest rates, I want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication to our shared cause. In the face of these economic challenges, your commitment to PIPSC is more important than ever.

While the road ahead may be uncertain, I want to assure you your CP Executive is fully committed to representing your best interests during bargaining and beyond.

  1.  We understand the financial strain many of you are experiencing, and we are actively working to secure the best possible outcomes for our members. We believe that by standing together, we can overcome the challenges posed by inflation and high interest rates.
  2. It is during times like these that the strength of our union truly shines. As a collective force, we have the ability to negotiate better terms and conditions, protect your rights, and ensure that you and your families can weather this storm. We are actively engaged in bargaining discussions to secure fair wages and benefits that reflect the current economic climate.

In closing, let's approach this holiday season with hope and determination. The challenges we face today will not last forever, and together, we can build a brighter future for all our members. I wish you and those closest to you a safe, peaceful, and joyous holiday season.

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In solidarity,

Andrée Doucet
CP Group President