A formal election complaint was filed, investigated and the election committee found that Mr. Peter Gabriel has committed two election offences.

Mr. Gabriel purposely campaigned to get elected CP Group President during an employer’s event conducted on the employer’s network.

Further, Mr. Gabriel indicated that he was the president of a large CP Subgroup when endorsement by constituent bodies is prohibited.

The committee noted that such behaviour jeopardizes PIPSC access to the employer’s network for non-partisan communication with our members.

In absence of prior conviction, an 11 votes penalty was decided which is in line with an endorsement by the president of a subgroup where its executive is limited to 11 members.

To provide a deterrent in future elections, the intent of “Policy resolution 2021 L-2 adapted for groups,” justifies publishing this offence notice separately from the elections results. This notice will be kept on the CP Group webpage until the completion of the next election of the CP Group executive in 2027.

The preliminary notice that provided the possibility for CP group members to change their vote is no longer applicable and is replaced with this offence notice.