Please refer to the Ratification Package and the MOA on SR Classification Review for the specific language of the tentative agreement.

Tentative Agreement Summary:

The Agreement will cover four (4) years, with an expiration of September 30, 2018 and one hundred and twenty (120) days for implementation from the date of signing.

The settlement includes:

  • 1.25% general economic increase for each year for each classification, plus classification specific increases with parity to the Core Public Administration and for the SR 2s and SR 3s a lump sum payment in consideration of the classification review process (refer to the MOA and FAQs for more information) that will take place over the next year. 
    • ES classification compared to EC classification in the CPA
    • PG classification compared to PG classification in the CPA
    • SR classification compared to the BI classification in the CPA
    • SE-RES and SE-REMS compared to same classification in the CPA
  • New Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to review and fix the SR classification. The review and development of SR job content will be done in partnership, infringing on the Employer’s inherent right to determine, and be subject to an objective adjudicative process. The Parties’ commitment to complete the review by December 31, 2019.
  • New MOA with respect to modernizing sick leave in the Federal Government (as agreed to at the central PIPSC-TBS table). See the EWSP FAQ document.
  • Updates to the Employment Transition Appendix to correspond with agreements made at the central PIPSC-TBS table. Please see the updated in the CFIA-IN and CFIA-VM collective agreements for changes.
  • New MOA on Scientific Integrity.
  • Better mobility for employees on return from maternity and parental leave. Employees will not be required to repay allowance on return to CFIA, the Core Public Administration, the Canada Revenue Agency, or Parks Canada.
  • Addition of two (2) rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes.
  • Increase to two (2) personal days with the deletion of the volunteer day.
  • Improvements to the flexibility and use of bereavement leave.
  • Improvements to the definition of family, the flexibility and use of family related responsibilities leave.
  • Improvements to mitigate pay issues for employees utilizing union leave.
  • Many editorial and housekeeping changes.