Latest News
11 March 2019
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the
AFS Burnaby-Fraser Subgroup
Wednesday April 3, 2019
Guest Speakers
Debi Daviau, PIPSC President
Doug Mason, AFS President
Phil Choo, AFS Regional Representative
6 March 2019
PIPSC London AFS Sub-Group Elections 2019 Call for Nominations
The current mandate for some of your London AFS Sub-Group Executive members will end at our Tuesday, May 7, 2019 Annual General Meeting.
5 March 2019
Notice of the 2019 Annual General Meeting Montreal City AFS Sub-Group and Montreal Center Branch
Montreal City AFS Sub-Group and Montreal Center Branch 2019 Annual General Meeting
You are cordially invited to attend the Montreal City AGM for the AFS Sub-Group and the Montreal
25 February 2019
An election will be held for OTSO AFS Sub-Group Executive positions. The positions of President and Secretary are open for a two-year term as well as 3 positions for Member-At-Large. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
25 February 2019
Annual General Meeting
March 13, 2019
Keynote Speakers
Debi Daviau, President, PIPSC
Douglas J. Mason, PIPSC AFS President
18 February 2019
Regina AFS Subgroup Notice of Annual General Meeting
Thursday March 7th 2019
Travelodge Hotel and Convention Centre 4177 Albert Street South Regina
Cash Bar 5:30 pm
Dinner Buffet 6:00 pm
15 February 2019
Keynote Speakers
Debi Daviau, President, PIPSC
Doug Mason, President, AFS Group
Robert MacDonald, Director BC/Yukon, PIPSC
Phil Choo, AFS BC/Yukon Regional Rep
8 February 2019
LOCATION: PIPSC National Office, 250 Tremblay Road, Ottawa ON
6 February 2019
The London AFS Subgroup of PIPSC will be hosting a picnic this year for members and their family and friends but we can’t decide when to have it.
Please let us know which month you would prefer, June or September.
5 February 2019
Notice of 2019 Annual General Meeting
AFS Montréal Criminal Investigations Sub-Group 2019 Annual General Meeting
You are cordially invited to attend:
Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. Le Gesù