PIPSC AFS Summerside Subgroup 
AGM 2019
November 20, 2019

Subgroup executive Attendees

Jeff Gallant    President
Justin Murphy    Member at Large
Derek Campbell    Member at Large
Kristine Arsenault    Treasurer
Barry Gerus    Member at Large
Leslie Hill    Secretary

Meeting – 5.30PM 


1)    Welcome  - All welcomed  Introductions of all members

2)    Approval of the Agenda – Justin Murphy – Seconded by Barry Gerus

3)    Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM – Approved. 

i)    Lisa Richard asked if her last name be changed from Gilfoy to Richard.

4)    Business arising from the minutes

i)    No new business

5)    Report of the President 

i)    Jeff reviewed the activities of last year presented by the Executive. We had 2 coffee days and 1 ice cream day

ii)    Jeff reviewed the information he shared at the UMC with Mike Durant and Brad Mackinnon discussing wellness and conflict resolution 

iii)    Jeff spoke to Jason Rioux stepping down and thanked him for his contribution

6)    Approval of the Budget – approved

i)    Manny Costain presented and reported that representatives from PSAC, PIPS Charlottetown – Francais Defoe were are present at the Finance and Admin Consultation meetings. 

ii)    There is a People first initiative with task force (tiger teams) to address the new direction and orientate the vision.

iii)    There was discussion about the parking issues and dangers surrounding those but the response from the employer is “non commital” and would not discuss further. 

iv)    Quiet Rooms were discussed and Management is currently taking a look at the possibilities of those. They are working with Union executive members and CRA director to find a suitable space.

v)    There was discussion about funding issues surrounding initiatives for work life balance . Brad supports fundraising idea and will work with us to support networking and events.

vi)    Employee orientation – Management supports bring back a new and improved employee initiative for new hires and will be working with union to come up with ideas to do this.

vii)    Mental Health First Aid training was discussed and will be looked at further.

viii)    Questions.

(a)    Q - Richard Karis – how do you book a quiet room when you don’t know when you are going to need it? A- Lisa Shawinigan has one 

(b)    Q – Richard Karis – With regards to parking issues why do you think the employer would have any gumption to try and resolve this? A – Jeff Gallant – it’s a genuine concern and we must try. A – Lisa Richard – You will never get it, public works owns it and it falls within the guidelines of just being responsible .

7)    Treasurers Report - Kristine reviewed last year’s budget and noted an error in interest on the spreadsheet. Kristine provided the correct amounts. Motion to amend by Justin Murphy,. Approved.
Byron asked about donations – Kristine explained that we don’t have any for 2019
Amanda asked what the member engagement was for – Kristine explained that is for the gift cards we will be giving away tonight.

8)    Annual financial Report

9)    Keynote Address – Manny Costain.

i)    Manny reviewed the new collective agreement and explained the 180 day rule with regards to the 400 dollars everyone receives.

ii)    Discussion on the new domestic violence leave continued – Byron, Sheila and Vera would like more direction on responsibilities when they are made aware of domestic violence situations and liability. more review needed.

iii)    Manny went over the new parental leave and noted the differences 

iv)    Manny provided more detail on the new wellness program designed to replace our sick leave. Union reps will provide more education as we get closer to implementation.

v)    Manny talked about ongoing phoenix issues and advised that anyone with issues speak to him or Mark Munch.

vi)    Manny spoke about the National AGM and what took place there.

(1)    Proffessionals Canada initiative  - defeated

(2)    Official Languages committee – Defeated

(3)    No dues to increase

(4)    Over 530 delegates attended

(5)    Bed bug issues but none at STC.

10)    Elections Nominations – there are a total of 8 seats. 4 - 2 year (President plus 3 others) and 4 – 1 year . All 2 year positions are up except Leslie Hills. Leslie and Manny will calculate votes.

a)    President  is now vacant - Jeff Gallant nominated Justin Murphy – Justin Murphy nominated Jeff Gallant.

Votes were taken and counted

Jeff Gallant  is the new President

Manny puts forth a motion to destroy the ballots.

Moved by Justin Murphy – Second by Chris Gilfoy

Call for nominations for members at large

Jeff Gallant President
Members at large

Justin Murphy - acclaimed
Sheila Shea - acclaimed
James Glynn - acclaimed
Kristine Arsenault - acclaimed
Jeff White  - acclaimed

11)    Report of the elections committee.

12)    New Business

a)    $50 Amazon Gift Card Draw – Congratulations go’s to Richard Karis, Terri Richard, Vera Gerus, Darren Champion , Justin Murphy, James Flynn, Lisa Richard, Kristine Arsenault, Chris Clow and Dave Black.

13)    Closing – thanks and see you next year.