2024 AFS Moncton AGM 


Location: Pomodori Pizzeria, Moncton, NB 

May 22, 2024 6:00 PM 

Members in attendance: 12 members, including the executive 


Other guests in attendance: Chris Roach, AFS Atlantic Region Representative and Advisory Council Director 


1. Welcome 

Meeting brought to order at 6:04 PM. Kelly MacKinnon read a land acknowledgement and the PIPSC Equality Statement. 


2. Roll call 

Members of the executive present: 

Kelly MacKinnon, President Lucas Martin, Vice-President Tamara Dunn, Treasurer 

Maureen Cormier, Secretary 

Judith Nowlan, Member at Large 


3. Approval of the Agenda 

The agenda was modified to add an item for guest Chris Roach to address the members present. Motion to approve the agenda by Lucas Martin, seconded by Maureen Cormier. Carried. 


4. Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (May 2023) 

Motion to approve the previous meeting's minutes by Tamara Dunn, seconded by Judith Nowlan. Carried. 


5. Business Arising from the Minutes 

The minutes from the last AGM on May 18th, 2023 were not sent for translation and posting to the PIPSC website. 


ACTIONABLE ITEM KELLY: Send the minutes from the last AGM to be translated and posted to the PIPSC website in both official languages. 


6. Report of the President 

Kelly MacKinnon gave an update on what happened since the last meeting: 


The subgroup executive met 4 times during the year, in June 2023, September 2023, November 2023, and April 2024. 


The subgroup hosted one event for members at Happy Craft Brewery in the fall of 2023. The event was fairly well attended. 


Kelly attended, on behalf of the subgroup, the AFS Group bargaining session and AGM last June, and the AFS Subgroup Presidents meeting in November. Kelly will attend the AFS Group AGM again this year in June. 


Kelly continues to meet monthly with senior management. With the alignment, the time and frequency of those meetings may change in the coming months. Kelly, and the other Regional Subgroup Presidents, attended the Union Management Conference in February 2023, with the new RAC Chantal Tourigny. CRA requested union representation on various working groups. Kelly will sit on the Regional Building Management working group, dealing with Real Property, BEET, and OSH issues related to the alignment. 


Kelly is a Co-chair this year of the OSH committee, and First Aid coordinator. If anyone is interested in becoming a first-aider, applications are still being accepted, please reach out to Kelly. If anyone is interested in joining the OSH committee, there is a spot open for another representative from AFS, please reach out to Kelly. 


Kelly represents the Atlantic Region on the PRQC for 2024. A survey will be going out on the week of June 2nd. Members are urged to participate. The data collected in this survey will be used to support Bargaining Groups and Consultation Teams. 


Everyone should have received a ballot key for the AFS Group National elections. Doug Mason was acclaimed as President for another 3-year term. As well, the position of Vice President will be selected by a vote from all AFS members. Links to biographies for the 4 candidates are available in the email containing your voting key, and the deadline to vote is Thursday, June 6, 2024 @ 5:00 PM EDT. 


People are continuing to have problems with CanadaLife. If you are experiencing any issues with claims, please reach out to a Steward for assistance. PIPSC will be hosting two Basic Steward Training sessions in the next year: September 19 to 21 in St. John's NL, and February 6 to 8 in Halifax NB. If you are interested in becoming a Steward, please reach out to any Steward. PIPSC has scholarships available for members who will have children and grand- children who will be attending post secondary education in September. The deadline to apply for those scholarships is June 30th, 2024. 


Motion to approve the president's report by Kelly MacKinnon, seconded by Joanne Doiron. Carried. 


7. Annual Financial Report for 2023 

Financial statements for 2023 were presented by Tamara Dunn, Treasurer. Motion to approve the financial statements by Tamara Dunn, seconded by Judith. Carried. 


8. Approval of Annual Budget for 2024 

The budget for 2024 was presented by Tamara Dunn, Treasurer. 

Motion to approve the budget for 2024 by Tamara Dunn, seconded by Kelly MacKinnon. Carried 


9. Upcoming Events 

The executive is currently looking to host a summer event, and potentially a fall event. We are looking for activity ideas. If you have any idea or recommendations, please reach out to any member of the executive. 


10. Report of the Elections Committee/Election 

Kelly MacKinnon chaired the election process. 


The position of Vice-President (currently held by Lucas Martin) is up for election this year for a two-year term. 


The position of Treasurer (currently held by Tamara Dunn) is up for election this year for a two-year term. 


With the growing number of members in our subgroup, additional Member at Large positions are available, should anyone be interested in joining the committee. 


Members who offered their names for election were: 


Vice-President: Lucas Martin. No other members offered for the position. Acclaimed. 

Treasurer: Tamara Dunn. No other members offered for the position. Acclaimed. 

Member-at-Large: Taha Khan. No other members offered for the position. Acclaimed. 

The election was declared closed. 


11. Guest speaker - Chris Roach 

Chris Roach addressed members and spoke on topics such as the recent announcements of the RTO, the regional alignment and the change in assistant commissioner, the ongoing AFS elections, and PIPSC budgets and finances. Chris thanked Kelly for all the work she has done over the past year, and he took questions from the members that were present. His presence and updates were very appreciated by all in attendance. 


12. Adjournment 

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Judith Nowlan, seconded by Renée-Anne Bastarache. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25PM.