Our PIPSC bargaining teams are pushing hard at the negotiation table and fighting for a better deal for our members. You can find bargaining updates from each Group on their individual Group pages.

The PIPSC Central Table Bargaining Team held our fourth meeting with Treasury Board representatives on May 23 – 25, 2023. The Central Table negotiations aim to bargain common language to be integrated into group collective agreements, ensuring consistency and fairness, while Group tables negotiate specific language around pay and working conditions for each of the occupational groups represented by PIPSC.

This is where things currently stand on some of our key issues. 

Return To Office (RTO):

Some of our members are needed on the frontlines to provide essential services – but many others are now able to do their best work from their own homes.  Forcing employees back to workplaces without rhyme or reason really demonstrated a lack of trust and respect – and we have been advocating against the government’s one-size-fits-all policy since it was abruptly implemented. 

We have seen some movement on this issue from the employer with other bargaining agents, like PSAC and CAPE. PIPSC has consistently maintained that the implementation of  'presence with purpose' is best sorted out at the bargaining table, and we will continue to pursue that goal. We also conducted an online survey of members in May, and have been amplifying those responses in the media and to Treasury Board.

PIPSC believes that a fair, flexible remote work policy can help create a workplace built on accessibility, equity, and respect. We hope the federal government is willing to collaborate with us to make that happen. 


It is crucial that our members are paid at a rate that reflects both the value of their work and the skyrocketing costs of living. One of the ways an employer can truly recognize its employees is through better compensation.  

PIPSC continues to fight for improved compensation for its members, especially in light of painful inflation. However, other bargaining agents have now set a pattern for general economic increases which will be hard to resist.  

PIPSC continues to look for creative ways to bargain gains for our members, especially given the unique nature of our work.


The Pay Equity Act and related regulations have been in effect since September 2021, but there is still so much work to be done before Pay Equity is a reality in the public service.

PIPSC is taking an active leadership role in support of pay equity, a role which has major significance given the overwhelming resistance to the pay equity process from many employers. 

But equity extends beyond pay. This government has made equity a pillar of their mandate – and they must ensure this is extended to their employees. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong at work. 

For some, this means working from home. For others, this means being able to show up as our true selves without having to worry about harassment or social exclusion.  Our union is also a community – we fight to ensure no worker is left behind. Equity, in all its variations, is a huge part of what we do – both in bargaining and beyond.


PSAC and PIPSC negotiate with a common employer, the federal government. It was essential for PIPSC to show solidarity when they took their strike action in April. 

We know that when fellow bargaining agents, like PSAC, reach a tentative agreement, the government will attempt to establish a pattern for wage increases for other groups still in negotiations. 

However, as PIPSC members, we have circumstances that are unique to the professional work that we do.  We will continue to fight for “market adjustments” to make sure that our groups and classifications are meeting the same market rate value as their counterparts in provincial governments or in other agencies – as well as compared to the private sector. 


At every stage of the process, members are vital to collective bargaining. When we work together, we show the employer the strength of our union and the power of our united voices.

Often, simple actions can be the most effective. For example, if you know that your bargaining team is at the negotiation table with Treasury Board, you can wear a PIPSC t-shirt or put PIPSC buttons on your jacket or backpack.

You can also get active on social media by sharing or commenting on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts. This will help ensure our message is getting in front of more folks within your network – which is really important to building support. You can also send your Group’s bargaining team a quick message to wish them luck when they’re heading into bargaining – this lets them know you have their back, and can be a helpful boost to the team.

But the best way you can support the fight for a better deal is to keep up to date with what’s happening – be engaged, read all your emails and newsletters, follow us on social media, take online actions like sending an email, and attend local meetings and activities.

Fighting for a Better Deal.


The PIPSC Central Table Bargaining Team held our third meeting with Treasury Board representatives on April 11 to 13, 2023. The Central Table negotiations aim to bargain common language to be integrated into group collective agreements, ensuring consistency and fairness, while Group tables negotiate specific language around pay and working conditions for each of the occupational groups represented by PIPSC.

This three-day bargaining session took place against a backdrop of the Public Service Alliance of Canada announcing their members had overwhelmingly voted in favour of a strike. PIPSC groups are not in a strike position but the looming possibility of pressure tactics across the country was on everyone’s mind. We support our PSAC colleagues’ right to strike for pay that progresses with inflation, for the ability to telework, and for contracts that dismantle barriers to the participation and success of equity-seeking groups. At the Central Table we kept making a clear and forceful case on including telework language, on greening the collective agreement, on increased transparency and accountability in management decisions and on removing barriers to equitable participation of all our members in the workplace.

We had fulsome and cordial discussions, heard from an expert in greening government from the Treasury Board Secretariat, and have been clear about our priorities, but are still waiting on concrete action from across the table. What we need now from the employer is a TBS mandate to make a deal, transparency on all TBS proposals and some actual contract language that reflects the areas of common interest. With that we can move forward and make government work better for our members as well as for all Canadians. 

The next Central Table bargaining dates are scheduled for May 23 to 25, 2023.

In solidarity,

Your Central Table Bargaining Team



PIPSC President Jennifer Carr has released the following statement:

I am proud to see that union activism has moved Canada’s largest employer to offer a better deal to PSAC workers. The improvements made to this deal will benefit every worker in this country - public or private, unionized or unrepresented. 

The federal government tried to force PSAC to accept an offer that was not only bad for PSAC workers, but bad for workers everywhere. But PSAC workers fought back – for all of us. And they secured a better deal. 

For PIPSC members, the fight for a better deal continues. We will pursue our members’ priorities at our negotiation tables. I’m proud of the solidarity shown by PIPSC members marching alongside their PSAC colleagues on those historic picket lines. The same energy will carry us forward as we continue our negotiations in the months ahead. 

The PSAC strike at Canada Revenue Agency continues while the two sides negotiate. We continue to stand in solidarity with our Union of Taxation Employees colleagues until they have reached a fair deal. 

I also thank the Canadian public for their show of support to striking workers. Canadians defied the expectations of certain politicians and commentators, showing a strong level of support for public service workers’ demands - from fair wages to remote and flexible work options. The growing solidarity among workers from all sectors sends a strong message to all employers that Canada’s workers expect a fair deal that respects their contributions to our economy.

Statement from PIPSC President Jennifer Carr in response to the President of the Treasury Board’s open letter regarding remote and flexible work:

We welcome the change of heart from the employer, in recognizing the need to re-assess the current telework directive. It is encouraging to see that the government acknowledges the importance of consulting with unions on this matter. 

If you care about good wages and working conditions – for yourself, your colleagues, and for hardworking people everywhere –  the best thing you can do is support striking PSAC workers and join a picket in solidarity. Join the picket this Thursday at 12:00 PM.

Please keep in mind that you must join the picket on your own time (for example, your unpaid lunch break).

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