Regions and Branches

The Institute is comprised of six geographical Regions: Atlantic, Québec, Ontario, National Capital, Prairie/Northwest Territories and British Columbia/Yukon.

Each Region is normally structured to provide a minimum of three levels of organization consisting of: the Regional Council, the Regional Executive and Branches.The Directors elected in each Region may be the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Regional Executive and the Regional Council. The Regional Executive acts as a steering and administrative committee for the Regional Council and meets periodically between bi-yearly meetings. The objectives of the Regional Council are:

  • to support the goals of the Institute as they pertain to special concerns of the Region;
  • to present regional views at the AGM in the form of resolutions, or submit them to the Board of Directors and other decision-making bodies.

Institute Branches are listed under their respective Region page.

Latest Regional News

22 July 2019
All tickets available have been reserved.  Thank you for your inquiry. Dear member:
12 July 2019
PIPSC Family Fun Day Includes Entrance ticket and Lunch Combo July 28th, 2019 Ticket Pick-up: 12-1pm
11 July 2019
TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE SHERBROOKE CHAPTER OF THE PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF CANADA As a member, you are invited to join us for CS sub-group Support Date: Monday July 15, 2019 Time: 10 am
11 July 2019
25 March 2019 Quinte Branch Executive Meeting Minutes Held in Belleville 25 March 2019 In Attendance:
10 July 2019
PIPSC Greater Toronto Area Family Picnic You and your family are cordially invited to attend the12th Annual PIPSC Greater Toronto Area Family Picnic. WHEN: Sunday,July 28th, 2019 12:00 – 4:00 pm
9 July 2019
Ottawa Centreville and NCR Director Jennie Esnard will be hosting an Ice Cream event on July 16th 2019  1:00pm to 2:30pm Location:
8 July 2019
2019 Steward of the Year Recognition Award The Ontario Region Council recognizes the role of the Steward in the organization as an important liaison between members, their Union and the employer.
8 July 2019
2019 Ontario Regional Steward Council Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto
5 July 2019
It will be warm, it is summer Holidays, your Better Together Branches are inviting you and your family to a summer fun family activity at Mont Cascades.
4 July 2019
MEET & GREET  JOIN US You are invited to join members of the
4 July 2019
4 July 2019
Health Canada, NCR Branch - “Holland Cross Debates” Season VI The Executive of Health Canada NCR Branch presents: “Holland Cross Debates/Discussions” - Season VI.
3 July 2019
To: Steward Applicant From: Ernie McLean, Manager, Prairie/NWT Region Robert Trudeau, Chair, Prairie/NWT Regional Training Committee
3 July 2019
Prairie/NWT Regional Steward Council September 20-21, 2019 Fantasy Land Hotel 17700 87 Avenue NW Edmonton AB
28 June 2019
NCR STEWARD COUNCIL – 2019 Registration is now closed.  September 27 and 28, 2019
27 June 2019
27 June 2019
NOTICE OF MEETING TO: Stewards in the British Columbia/Yukon RegionFROM: Robert K. MacDonald Regional DirectorDATE: June 10, 2019SUBJECT: Steward Council -- October 18 and 19, 2019
27 June 2019
JOIN US You are invited to join members of the Atlantic Regional Executive for a “MEET & GREET” at the The Brothers 2 Restaurant and Pub.
26 June 2019
Call for interest: Separate Employers Group Representative for Ontario Regional Training and Education Committee (ORTEC) Stewards The Ontario Regional Executive is looking for a volunteer to represent the Separate Employers Group as a member of the ORTEC for a term of
25 June 2019
AFS - Tentative Agreement Information Sessions Information sessions on the tentative collective agreement will be held on the following dates. You will be allowed 2 hours to attend these sessions. The time code is 6990.