78th QRC - CSC Montreal/ Rive-Nord Branch Report


Report to the Regional Council 2019 by the Branch President

This year has not been very successful in terms of Branch activities. Branch Executives were not able to meet more than twice.

February 26, 2018
December 10, 2018

There was no quorum in those two meetings, so the meetings were not formal.

Since Executives are also Stewards, they have many different roles at CSC and it is very hard to plan a meeting.

Still we were able to reach to our members through various joint events in the workplace with other unions or through employee social clubs.

Members were given support whether we met at Christmas dinners, team lunches, or in local EAP committees.

We had to call upon Stewards at CSC institutions within the Branch’s geographic area, to take up their role in social outreach. Our support was also needed by members who were badly affected by the Phoenix problems, by violence in the workplace and some by workforce adjustment.

We have not yet held our Branch AGM, since the decision to hold a joint AGM with the Sub-Group was changed as we want to make a separate AGM to try and reach out to our members in a meaningful way, on more than one occasion.

Richard Doyle