We want to celebrate you for the National Public Service Week


To celebrate you and your significant efforts as a public servant during National Public Service Week, the Prairie/Northwest Territories Region created the following two opportunities for you to win prizes:

  1. Trivia questions about PIPSC
  2. Photo competition


The competitions will close at 5pm on June 20, 2024. Winners will be notified on June 21, 2024.


Trivia details:

The three members with the most correct answers will win the prizes. Each prize is a $50 gift card of your choice. https://forms.gle/6eqEtb6cayWLqyT27


Photo competition details:

Is there an epic photo saved somewhere on your phone that perfectly captures a nature scene or a pet? We would love to see them!

To take part in the photo competition, submit photos that were taken by you and represent the theme in the Facebook albums below. Note, you must be a member of the Facebook group to submit photos. If you are not yet a member, send a request and you will be added.

The earlier you submit your photos, the better chance of getting more likes. Check back throughout the week to "like" your favorite photos. Your submissions will be displayed on our private regional Facebook page. The two pictures with the most likes from each category (nature or pet) will win the prizes. Each prize is a $50 gift card of your choice.


Nature Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.460390623335674&type=3

Pets Album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.465691349269150&type=3


We cannot wait to see the wonderful pictures you share with us and your trivia answers.



Samah Henein

Prairie Northwest Territories Regional Director