Annual General Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2023


Clarion Hotel, 1445 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB



  1. Introduction of the Members of the Branch Executive

The meeting was called to order  by President, Cory Graham at 17:30

Cory Graham introduced the current Branch Executive Officers and members at large and thanked them for their contributions



          President                Cory Graham

          Vice President        Terri Gobeil

          Secretary                Kevin Jacobs

          Treasurer                Jason Caners


Members at Large

Christine Freeman

Pam Kubicz

David Hakes

Donna Johnston

Mohammad Khakbazan (could not attend)

Brent Maine

Pramesh Selliah

  1. Introduction of Guests

Cory Graham introduced Ceci O’Flaherty President of the Winnipeg and District Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees and Glen Schur, Director NAFR.


  1. Land Acknowledgment

Pam Kubicz performed the Land Acknowledgment


  1. Approval of the Agenda

Approval of agenda

Moved by Christine Freeman

Seconded Harald Larsen

Motion Carried


  1. Guest Speaker

Cory Graham introduced Ceci O’Flaherty President of the Winnipeg and District Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees.

Spoke about the role of the National Association of Federal Retirees. She provided information on the organization, comprising 78 branches, and over 100,000 members. Advocates for protecting pensions and other benefits for retirees. She highlighted some accomplishments including advocacy in the 1970’s for full indexing of pensions, representation on pension committees. In the 1990’s pension benefits for survivors, pensions for retirees that were married after retirement and pension splitting. They advocated with respect to the Public Service Dental Care Plan. In 2016 the government proposed changes in the pension plan from defined benefit to defined contribution. No provision for grandfathering existing public servants. Huge campaign fought this and legislation died on the table. Anyone can join that is working or will be entitled to a pension in the federal public service. Information is on website: https://www.federalretirees.ca/

Also offer travel Insurance, other discounts, car rentals, hotels, hearing aids, mobile phones, etc. Two prizes were drawn.


  1. Adoption of the 2022 AGM Minutes

Moved Pramesh Selliah

Seconded Terri Gobeil

Motion carried


  1. Business Arising from the Minutes

There was no business arising from the Minutes


  1. Report of the President

Cory Graham thanked the executive and past members.   Cory provided an update on branch activities in the past year: steward appreciation event, member open house, APTN event.   Cory discussed activities being planned for this year and asked for input or suggestions from members.   Cory also asked members to get involved and be active in the union and support the union. Cory reminded the attendees that this was the twentieth anniversary of PIPSC Service Plus. In addition to new partners, there are contests going on. She encouraged everyone to check out the website.

Cory also thanked the Hotel for the service and food, Donna Johnston for arranging the event and Terri Gobeil for welcoming members at the event.


  1. Annual Financial Report

     a) Approval of 2022 Branch Financial Statements


Jason Caners provided a thorough review and explanation of the larger individual line items in the financial statements and answered any questions posed to him

Jason Caners moved the acceptance of the 2022 Financial Statements

Seconded by Chris Freeman



     b) Approval of the 2023 Branch Budget


Jason explained where the Budget numbers came from and answered any questions

Jason Caners moved the approval of 2023 Branch Budget

Seconded by David Hakes

Motion Carried


10. New Business

There was no new business.


11. Election of Branch Members-at-Large

     a) Five two year terms

Kevin Jacobs, Elections Chair, announced that, as there were 6 candidates for 5 two year terms, there would be an election.



Blair English

Chris Freeman

Cory Graham

David Hakes

Pamela Kubicz

Terri Gobeil


All candidates indicated they were willing to stand for election. Candidates were invited to provide a 3 minute speech. Candidates unable to attend were provided an opportunity to have someone read a prepared statement on their behalf.

Ballots were distributed with instructions for members to select up to 5 candidates.


12. Report of the Elections Committee

The following candidates were elected.


Elected Candidates:

Blair English

Chris Freeman

Cory Graham

David Hakes

Terri Gobeil


Kevin Jacobs moved that the Election Report be approved.

Seconded by Chris Freeman

Motion carried


Pramesh Selliah moved that the ballots be destroyed.

Seconded Kevin Jacobs



13. Door Prizes

Tickets were drawn for door prizes for members in attendance.


14. Adjournment

David Hakes moved that the meeting be adjourned at 18:45

Seconded by Jennifer Cassin

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned.