27 June 2019 Quinte Branch Executive Meeting Minutes

Held in Belleville 27 June 2019

In Attendance:

Dan Weaver President

Glenn Maxwell Vice-President

Bevin Stephenson Treasurer

Deb Butler Secretary

Jamie Buell Member-at-Large

Steve Ovenden Member-at-Large

Hazra Hosein                   Member-at-Large        

Sherri-Ann Cochrane Member-at-Large


Lisa Shears Member-at-Large

Kendra Moore Member-at-Large



Action By

  1. Opening Remarks

The meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm.


  1. Agenda Approval

Motion to Approve – Dan Weaver

Seconded by – Glenn Maxwell


  1. Previous Minutes

Minutes of March 25, 2019.  Motion to Approve Deb Butler, seconded Jamie Buell, AIF



  1. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was delivered.


  1. Quinte Branch AGM

AGM date is November 13, 2019.


We will be going with the Feast Buffet at $29.00 per person.  To check with the hotel if we can switch the 3 salads with two and get one soup.  Deb to confirm with the hotel. Steve will be printing up tickets to sell to the membership for $10.00 per person to be refunded on arrival to the AGM.  Cost of the room has been confirmed at $395.00 + HST.


We will be offering two tickets per person.

Possible Swag

Scarves, umbrellas, hats and shirts.

Guest Speakers:

Potential Speakers = PMA’s, CLC, retirement seminars.  Dan to follow through with the ERO’S???

  1. Facebook Page:

Update on the Facebook page.  We now have 18 members liking and following the page.


  1. New Business

Engagement of Peterborough members. Dan to speak with Kendra to follow through with contacting all the members in Peterborough??

Dan to send email to the Executive to see if anyone is interested in attending PIPSC AGM in November

  1. Round Table

There were no round table items.


  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. by Jaime Buell.