EXECUTIVE MEETING 21 SEP 2018 AT 1525 Bank Street

In Attendance: Glen Schjerning (President), John Eng (Treasurer), David Topp (Secretary), Olivia Leung, James Kuang, David Sutherland, Olga Botygina, Natalia Kim, Adam Gray, KerryAntonette Leiba (all Members at Large), and Acting NCR Director Gord Bulmer was our Special Guest.

The meeting was called to order at 17:30h. 

The Branch has received a letter of resignation from our Branch Vice President Lynn Mayes.  The Branch Executive ask Acting NCR Director to approach Lynn and investigate her return to the Branch Executive.

John Eng (Treasurer) provided an update on the Branches 2018 Budget, 2018 expenditures to date, and 2018 anticipated expenditures.  The branch in on Budget.

There will be an anticipated 24 Branch members at the upcoming 2018 NCR Steward Council.  It was agreed to host a family friendly hospitality suite, costs not to exceed ??????

Olivia, Natalia and Olga gave a briefing on the plans for the Branch Halloween event scheduled to take place on 28 Oct 2018.  Attendance looked to be heavily subscribed.  It was agreed that Debi Daviau and Gord Bulmer would be invited to attend as guests, however, all others would need to be branch members (with significant others or significant kids).  The event is expected to be on budget.

The 2019 Branch AGM needs to be held in the early part of 2019 (prior to 1 June 2019).  It was agreed that Glen would liaise with the Hilton, and advance booking a room in the April 2019 time frame.

David Topp (Secretary) was asked to leave the room.  David will be retiring in March 2019, and relocating to Toronto with his girlfriend.  It was agreed that David had made significant contributions to PIPSC and EAP.  The Executive agreed to purchase a gift for David (cost not to exceed PIPSC bylaw limits) to be presented to David in early 2019.  Glen agreed to do the prezzy shopping.