Vancouver CRA Branch Annual General Meeting Minutes              
                            Thursday, June 1, 2023
Branch Executives:
Mohan Grewal – President
Colin McBride - Vice-President
Gurpreet Khera - Treasurer
Lauren Kunimoto – Secretary 
Mauro Defeudis – Member-at-Large
Jason Brown – Member-at-Large
Ingrid Tan - Member-at-Large

Invited Guests:
Simon Chiu, AFS BC Regional Representative – gave his regrets as his was unable to attend due to union business in Ottawa.
Morgan Cranny –  BC/Yukon Regional Director.

The meeting was held at Lee Garden Seafood Restaurant, 6401 Kingsway, Burnaby. The meeting was called to order at 18:00 by Mohan Grewal, President Vancouver CRA Branch.

Approval of Agenda:
Mohan Grewal stated that the AGM Agenda was sent electronically to the Branch AGM attendees and paper copies were provided on each table. Motion to approve the agenda. Moved by Tom Kirkpatrick. Seconded by Jason Brown. Carried.

Adoption of the Minutes from the 2021 AGM:
Mohan Grewal stated that the minutes from the 2021 AGM were sent electronically to the Branch AGM attendees and paper copies were provided on each table. Mohan Grewal asked that we approve the 2021 minutes. Moved by Mauro Defeudis. Seconded by Melinda Cart. Carried.

President’s Report – Mohan Grewal:
Introduction of the current Branch Executive. Acknowledged Kal Sahota’s contribution to the union including being Branch President and BC/Yukon Regional Director. Kal Sahota will be missed by all.

Annual Financial Report, by Treasurer Gurpreet Khera:
The financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 were tabled. These financial statements and budget were provided on each table. Main source of funding is from the annual PIPSC allocation. There was little activity in 2022 since there was no AGM. Most of the Branch spending is to fund the AGM dinner. Gurpreet Khera asked for someone to move to adopt the financial statements. Moved by Tom Kirkpatrick. Seconded by Otto Sun. Carried.

The 2023 budget was also presented by Gurpreet Khera who explained that funds are allocated for the AGM. Gurpreet Khera asked for someone to move to adopt the 2023 budget. Moved by Tom Kirkpatrick. Seconded by Marvin Magana. Carried.

Elections for Branch Positions:
Mohan Grewal introduced Darcey Dueck as Election Committee Chair and Morgan Cranny as the election committee member. Each position is a 3-year term ending in alternate years.

1.    President
 Darcey Dueck asked Mohan Grewal if he wished to put his name forward to continue as President. Mohan Grewal confirmed his interest in continuing in that role. Mohan Grewal was elected as President by acclamation. Term ending 2025.

2.    Vice-President
Darcey Dueck asked Colin McBride if he wished to put his name forward to continue as vice president Colin McBride confirmed his interest in continuing in that role. Colin McBride was elected as Vice-President by acclamation. Term ending 2026.

3.    Treasurer
Darcey Dueck asked Gurpreet Khera if he wished to put his name forward to continue as Treasurer. Gurpreet Khera confirmed his interest in continuing in that role. Gurpreet Khera was elected as Treasurer by acclamation. Term ending 2025.

4.    Secretary
Darcey Dueck asked Lauren Kunimoto if she wished to put her name forward to continue as Secretary. Lauren Kunimoto confirmed her interest in continuing in that role. Lauren Kunimoto was elected as Secretary by acclamation. Term ending 2025.

5.    Four Members-at-Large
Darcey Dueck stated there were four members-at-large positions available which included one position that was not previously filled. Darcey Dueck asked Mike Chow, Mauro Defeudis, Tom Kirkpatrick and Ingrid Tan if they each wished to put their names forward to be members-at-large. Mike Chow, Mauro Defeudis, Tom Kirkpatrick and Ingrid Tan confirmed their interest in being members-at-large. Mike Chow, Mauro Defeudis, Tom Kirkpatrick and Ingrid Tan were elected as members-at-large by acclamation. Terms for members-at-large will be discussed and determined at the next Branch Executive meeting. 

Speaker: Morgan Cranny
PIPSC members should expect a similar deal as PSAC. We want to include working from home clause in the PIPSC Collective Agreement however this was not included in the PSAC Collective Agreement. Funding is available to invite bargaining team to speak during a Lunch ‘n Learn event.

Lucky Door Prize Draws – Mauro Defeudis and Lauren Kunimoto

Mohan Grewal, Vancouver CRA Branch President: 
Mohan Grewal thanked everyone for coming. Mohan Grewal adjourned the meeting at 19:00. Moved by Mauro Defeudis. Seconded by Ingrid Tan. Carried.