Delta St. John’s, St. John’s, NL

CHAIRPERSON: Kim Skanes, Atlantic Regional Director

COMMITTEE: Phil Wilson

Barry Gerus

Carolyn Hynes

Mike Pauley

REGRETS: Manny Costain, Training Committee Chairperson

STAFF: Catherine Pinks – Recording Secretary

Kim opened the meeting and welcomed the participants to St. John’s. As Manny was unavailable to attend, Kim chaired the meeting.

I. Approval of Agenda

The following items were added to the agenda: III. a. Extra Training Committee Meeting. VIII a. Fundraising.

Motion #1 Carolyn moved and Phil seconded that the Agenda be approved as amended. Carried

II. a. Approval of Minutes of January 27th, 2017

Motion #2 Barry moved and Mike seconded that the minutes of January 27th, 2017, be approved as presented. Carried

b. Action Items

Kim led the committee through a review of the action items.

Action Items

Generated by the Atlantic Regional Training Committee

from the January 27th, 2017, meeting at the Halifax Regional Office



Item/Completion Deadline





Complete the PIPSC Structure and Labour History modules prior to the January Training Committee Meeting.





Prepare NB OSH Cheat Sheet and BF for review at March meeting.






Discuss Steward Council agenda with Halifax Staff and work on sourcing a speaker on Mental Health.




Catherine, Manny and Scott

Catherine, Manny and Scott prepare a presentation, workshop exercise and mock meeting on Resolutions for Friday afternoon at the ARC.





Follow up with Sherrie Theoret on the approval of our three training sessions and report back to Catherine.





Obtain the 2017 TEC Atlantic allotment and send to Phil and Catherine.





Follow up with the Superannuation Branch to see if a 1.5 hour presentation is possible and BF for discussion in March.






Follow up with Isabelle Roy on presenting on the topic of mental health at our Steward Council.





Confirm the topic that was presented by Legal to the ERO`s and advise Kim.





Confirm Zac Crouse for the Saturday closing key note at the 2017 Steward Council.





Convenor Cabin 11 Hospitality at the Regional Training School.





Prepare the Resolution Workout session and BF review at the March Training Committee meeting.





Phil reported he completed the Labour History and PIPSC Structure online modules. Phil noted that it is too date orientated. Kim stated that PIPSC had committee to reviewing the modules one year after they were rolled out before considering making changes. Kim felt that PIPSC has been listening to the feedback received and it will be reflected in the modifications to be made.

Item 5 – Kim spoke with Dennis Britt explaining that our actual figures for the previous year cannot be used for budgeting purposes as there are various reasons why we may not spend our budgets – ie: inclement weather causing participants to cancel.

III. Calendar of Events

Catherine reported that all events for 2018 are now book and confirmed.

There is a requirement for the Training Committee to add and additional meeting in April. The committee agreed that Sunday, April 30, 2017, was the most cost effective option as 5 of the 7 committee members would be in town for the Regional Training School and only Mike and Carolyn would have to travel.

ACTION: Catherine book April 30th at Delta Halifax for Training Committee meeting 8:30 am – 2:30 pm.

ACTION: Catherine add 1 hour to Steward Council Agenda for PIPSC Training – A New Direction.

IV. Training Committee Chairperson and Training and Education Committee Report

Manny’s Training Committee Chair Report and Training and Education Committee Reports contained in the meeting materials was tabled for review.

Kim reported PIPSC Training is under review and will change. In her capacity as the National Training and Education Committee Chairperson, she was invited by Eddie Gillis to participate on a team composed of Eddie, Ivana, Nancy and Isabelle to review Training and develop a new model. The team in collaboration with the regional Training Committees will work towards the goal of having a plan ready to present at the 2017 AGM with a roll out of the program to commence in January 2018.

At this time, everything is on the table and open for review and change. Kim has prepared a work plan which included the discretion to double the number of time the TEC Committee will meet and Regional Training Committees can add additional meetings with her approval. Additional funds will be approved for the costs associated with this initiative. The Training Policy and Role of the Steward must be reviewed and updated.

Kim has been given the opportunity to consult with various bodies within PIPSC to gather information – i.e. AC, Working Group on Consultation.

The team will look at updating existing training modules and look at purchasing course material from other sources. Kim expects that the two Basics and the School will remain the responsibility of the Region as well as training for separate employers. National training may include a week-long school. Standalone modules of ½ to 1 day are being considered as well as a suite of e-learning courses. Having Stewards co-facilitate training is being looked at as well.

Kim has noted that the initial ideas have not addressed Lunch and Learns, Consultation Training, Separate Employers and Group specific training.

Kim stated that regions would be asked to set aside one hour on their Steward Council agendas to receive a report on this initiative.

Kim reported that the she did approve an Atlantic member to take Basic Steward training outside the region based on the recommendation of Barry Hèbert. It was a cost sharing between PIPSC and the employer where $1200.00 will be charged back to the region.

Motion #3 Carolyn moved and Mike seconded that the Training Committee and TEC Committee reports be approved as presented. Carried

ACTION: Catherine review 6 month Post Basic – Sept. 22-24, 2016, assessments to see if any needs to be contacted.

A discussion ensued on the issue with participants/Delegates leaving events early. A decision was made that an email will be sent out to participants prior to the School, ARC and Steward Council stating the time of the meetings and indicating that participants are expect to attend the entire session unless there are extenuating circumstances which should be reported to staff or the Executive. The correspondence will indicate that should participants leave during the event their participant in future events may not be approved and or their expenses may not be covered.

ACTION: Catherine draft text for an email to be sent out to participants at events explaining that they are required to attend the entire event or their attendance at future events may be denied and some expenses may not be covered. Send text to Executive for review. Use for School, ARC and Steward Council.

V. Steward Training

  1. Constituent Body Executive Training, February 17-18, 2017, Delta Halifax
  1. Training Representative’s Report: Phil went over his report on the session noting he was only in attendance on the Friday. He noted that meeting room temperature was difficult to control and the air/heating units were noisy.
  2. Post Learning and Venue Evaluation: The evaluations were reviewed and comments noted.
  3. Basic Steward, September 22-24, 2016, 6 Month Follow Up: The compiled document was reviewed. It was noted that Item 2 – Other needs a line for further explanation. Three participants indicated they would like to be contacted by a representative of the training committee to discuss how PIPSC can further support them in their steward development.

ACTION: Send Kim the text from the minutes on what the Training Committee Chair is to do in following up on the Post 6 month assessments.

ACTION: 6 Month Post assessment form add a line after 2. Other to provide explanation.

VI. Atlantic Regional Steward Council

The draft agenda for the Atlantic Regional Steward Council was reviewed. It was decided to move the Mental Health Presentation to the 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm slot on Friday and add PIPSC Training – A New Direction to the 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm slot on Saturday. Kim will continue to follow up with Isabelle on the DFR Mental Health presentation by legal.

VII. Atlantic Regional Council

The Committee reviewed the proposed plan for the Friday afternoon training component – Resolution Workout. It was decided that Manny would present the material and Scott would act as the Parliamentarian for the mock meeting.

ACTION: Training Committee review Resolutions for Resolution Workout and determine: order of presentation and suggest challenges to make during the exercises. Report back Catherine by April 10.

The hospitality event at the Alley was discussed. It will be a single elimination, five per team one string, small ball, five pin tournament with scoring based on single scores. We will have prizes for best and worst team scores, highest individual scores 1st, 2nd and 3rd and best team name.

ACTION: Catherine organize Bowling Tournament for ARC: 5 pin, small ball, 5 per team, single elimination, 1s, 2nd, 3rd prize, worst and best team score, best team name and best team spirit.

Kim advised that Pat and Theresa Kinnear had issued an invite to the Executive for drinks at theirs on the Saturday evening.

VIII. New Business

a). Fundraising Initiatives 2017: Carolyn inquired whether the region intended to raise funds for the Legacy Foundation this year or for contribution to charities in the cities where our events take place. Following discussion, it was decided to focus on charitable organizations in the cities where the meetings are held.

ACTION: Kim Purchase Fit Bit $200 plus tax for fundraising raffle at School.

ACTION: Catherine Source an appropriate charity in the Liverpool, Hunts Point area.

ACTION: Catherine bring double sided roll of raffle tickets.

ACTION: Carolyn purchase Wireless Headphones for raffle prize at ARC.

ACTION: Catherine source acceptable charity in Charlottetown.

ACTION: Carolyn purchase Apple Watch for raffle prize at Steward Council.

ACTION: Catherine source acceptable charity in Halifax.

X. Working Group – Roles of a Steward

Kim distributed the document entitled Role of a Steward and asked the Training Committee to review it and offer any ideas or suggestions for change. Collectively the Training Committee developed a response which Kim will bring to the team reviewing PIPSC Training.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.

NOTE: Should you wish to view copies of reports presented at this meeting, please direct your request to .